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I walked outside the hospital and saw her leaning against her car on the phone with the biggest grin on her face. The morning sun hitting her gorgeous face that was...

Wait what?


She's never worn that much makeup before


A face like hers it's hard not to look closely

I walked closer and I could hear the little voice on the other line

"Mama why can't we go with grandma to Nabasa" Sierra asked. Her tough demeanour sanked into this cute baby girl that she was. I know my baby's voice from a mile away

"No you'll give grandma more grey hair than she already has" Sammy laughs

"Mama why?" Adalee was speaking now. They both had the same voice but to me there's a different tone, a different ring

"Because I have a surprise"

"Is daddy coming home?" They asked in unison

"I have to go ok I'll see you later"

She hung up the phone and sighed

Not a word was said between us until she started the car. She looked as if she was contemplating if to ask me something. Her hands grips the steeringwheel and sits back taking in a breath

"Do you want to stay for dinner with me and the girls" she blurts

"Sure" I said and she lets a breath out in relief

Jack's POV

If Samantha finds out what I did then there's barely any hope as there is now. My life is going to be over.

I have to tell her

Yeah I'm not talking about Samantha

I don't think anyone should know about her. Even I try to forget how we met under circumstances but I can't because I enjoyed every moment I had with her and if Samantha finds out about the other woman then I'm fucked.

Gosh I sound like a douchebag

Yeah I'm not just in love with Samantha

My life doesn't just revolve around her

I wish it did because I wouldn't be in this predicament but what I don't get is how does Derek know about her. How did he keep the press away?

I need help now and fast. It won't be as fast as my family finding out about what I did to the only girl I brought home that they adored more than anything. I practically hurt their daughter.

God my mom's going to beat me, then kill me, then cut me up in pieces and ship me to Siberia!!

I reached for my phone on the side table thinking who to call

"You should be resting"

"O can it Angela" I say roughly thinking it was the old rude nurse that thinks I'm into her. I turned her down so she calls me names and threatens me

I don't know where all these people are coming from

"That's not rude at all" she chuckles and I take in her voice, not familiar

When I looked up I wanted to shit myself


But quickly realized that Stassie has brown hair not black and isn't a doctor

"I see you know my friend Anastasia" she chuckles

"And how do you know her"

"Can't girls who look alike and have same names be friends"

"What kind of vampire diaries shit is this" I say and she looks at me weirdly

"I have 2 sisters" I answered her thought as to what grown hard back watches that mushy shit

"You look familiar" she says as she checks my IV

"Well I was a teen pop star back in my day"

"What are you 70" she rolls her eyes "that's not where I know you from"

"I probably have that face"

"O please you ain't that cute" she scuffed

"Now I remember you and Stassie went through a faze, she told me about you and well I helped delivered your child"

"My what now!?"

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now