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"You and Stassie done for?" He scuffs

"You and Madison done for?" I retorted. I thought about using Samantha's name but that would only give myself away so I used what everyone else knew which was his affair with Madison

"Dude why are you here shouldn't you be in your Aston Martin bed or something?" I laughed

"Why are you talking to me?"

"I am what you call last hope. You see you're not talking to Johnson, Kelsey is out with Dejeah, Stassie and you are still on whatever terms that's supposed to be and Samantha has to watch 3 kids so I'm here to set you straight and take you home"

"I admit I don't like this anymore than you but it is what it is" I shrugged as I took a sip from my beer.

"I can't even go home"

"Why not...why are you even out here....no one would even tell me what's going on" I lie

"Well it's not your place"

"Well you don't have a place...you can crash at mine if you want"

"Why are you helping me"

"Jack believe it or not we used to be buds...you can forget or lie about it all you want and I've changed believe me I have and I belive I should help you when you need me...just know you owe me" I laugh pretentiously

"It'll be like old times"

"Why did we stop talking anyway" he asked suddenly cheerful

I laugh it off and we went to my car on our way to my apartment well it's where he thinks we're going

1hr later

"No no no not now!" I groaned

"What going on man" Jack rose from his reclined seat and looked around frantically

"Just got a flat tire...can you come out and help me change it"

"Sure" he hums and we got out the car

We were on a dead road which he belives is the highway because he was asleep. It is part of the highway but it's like a back road, an entrance

"Dude your tires look fine, nothing's wrong"

"Trust me I know something's wrong" I say as I glared at him and made my way towards him

"Why you looking at me like that" he laughs nervously

"Before I ask you what we're really here for I want to ask you something that you should seem to remember" I say as I stopped and leaned against the car

"Why'd you lie and turn everyone against me?" I asked out of curiosity

"I did no such thing Derek" liar liar pants on fire

Did I really just think that

"Jack, we've been past this, years in fact just tell me the truth I'm not gonna get mad"

"You can hold grudges damn" he chuckles

"Ok you don't wanna answer that then why'd you hit her, why would you hit the mother of your children, why would you deny her dreams"

I asked and he looks at me all confused

"Yeah I know and guess what I think you got comfortable, having a rich wife make people think you're living that American dream, when she confronted you' you thought it would all go down the drain"

"Didn't you? You thought she's a helpless bimbo like all the others" Even though my voice was calm I was ready to go Rocky on this little bitch that believes he's a man

"If you get rid of me you really think she'll call for you...dude you tried to rape her she wouldn't be with you even if you were the last guy on earth" he laughs uncontrollably and it sickened me

"Wait is this supposed to be your revenge plan, plan A didn't work so you're on B...hold up you figured I took your bitch a long time ago you can take mine, God damn you're pathetic"

At this point he was rolling around in the grass laughing his ass off....

Until I stood over him and his laughter stopped. I sat on his stomach holding him down and suddenly let my fists do the talking. It felt good hearing the sound of my fists colliding with his face

Cuts and bruises appeared on his face blood here and there...now he was real pretty

"It doesn't feel nice on the other end does it!" I yelled as I hit him one in his nose

"You fucking broke her you basterd!" I screamed I yelled till I didn't know what I was saying anymore. My eyes burned my fist covered in both mine and his blood. My heart beat was all I heard as it increases with the faster rate I hit with each second

"You took what's mine!"

"You made me do it"

"We were supposed to be brothers but brothers don't betray one another!"

"She was mine not yours!"

When I thought he learned his lesson I stopped and looked at this sorry excuse for a man, for a father

He was laughing through his bleeding gums

"You still talking about Samantha bro"

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