ice cream love

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Ruby's POV

I stood there waiting for him to say something but he doesn't he just looks down at the floor

"Don't expect me to call you dad" I spoke up

"I wouldn't, given the way that I've treated you which I'm sorry for"

"Are you really?" I asked unsure

"Yes, I'll  be honest with you I have a hard time accepting people people because I always lose them especially you because I never wanted to a adopt a child to tell them later on that I'm not your father"

"Well you got a child with problems so I understand"

"I noticed but I still should've treated you fairly I'm sorry and I'm hoping to change how we started and finally get to know one another"

"I would like that later for now I want you to be good to my mom and fix things with her"

Gosh every time I say mom I feel butterflies in my stomach

"I will" he smiles joyfully

"Can I have a hug now?" I asked and he held out his arms

"Welcome to the family Ruby" he says before he lets me go

I walk off into my new room feeling all giddy inside. I looked around at my room and I felt happy. It was all so amazing this new feeling and I have to thank Samantha for all of it. For replacing my depressing life into something amazing. Something I would be happy to enjoy and not want to commit suicide over.

After a warm bath I changed into my red and black onesie that Sam-

I mean my mom bought for me

We were all going to match for our flight. Me, Sierra, Adalee and Dejeah

"Knockidy knockidy" her voice was my savior honestly so I would no it anywhere. She was in her onesie already which made me smile so hard

She then snapped a quick photo of me and smiled at it

"Your first picture"

"My first picture for?" She says nothing except hands me her phone  with the picture on the screen

"For your wallpaper duuuuh" she laughs and pulls a phone box from behind her back and gives it to me

"Are you serious" my jaw was practically swinging on the floor

I should have guess because her phone case was neon green because it glows in the dark

"Yup...what is a teenage girl without her phone"

Technology isn't something I really care for. I prefer the outdoors, painting and reading. But this was amazing

I looked at the box and couldn't be more stunned I was about to faint

"iphone Xs are you serious"

I'm about to faint I love this woman

"Thank you" I say as I threw myself at her

"No problem just send that to me"

Samantha's POV

After I left Ruby's room I went into my room and guess what it was empty. The bed still made and I just realized his scent stopped lingering

I can't really have him back

Derek I hate you so much and I hate freaking alcohol for doing this

Even all the people that hurt Jack and put him through phases

I sit at the end of the bed looking down at my phone at the pic of Ruby

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