not my mother

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Samantha's POV

I changed into white denim off shoulder dress that reached just above me knees, I chose my white and luminescent heals and to bring it all together was my hair being in a messy bun. I didn't do much jewellery except for the diamond studs in my ear. I didn't feel like wearing a necklace the shoes and studs did enough. Now it's time to go dress those little trouble makers. I walked a bit down the hall and saw Sierra, Adalee and Ruby on the floor drawing and laughing. They were already dressed

"Mommy Ruby picked out our dinner dresses do you like it" Adalee said all cheery and shit I wanted to cry

They were both in matching sparkly dresses but different colours. Sierra in purple and Adalee in pink. The top of the dress was covered in glitter while the bottom was simply tulle flared out. On their little feet were glittery matching sandals

Ruby went all out

"Now I feel underdressed" I frown playfully

"Do you not see yourself my mom be sexy" Ruby teases

She called me mom again

Don't cry

It's ok Samantha it's just a word don't cry

"Why thank you my beatiful daughter" I courtesy and she laughs along with the twins

When Ruby finally stands up I noticed her outfit. She looks beautiful. I actually never took her for the pink type but the more we go the more we learn about each other. Suddenly breaking our beautiful moment was a knock at the front door. I went go get it thinking it was Ruby's mother but when I opened it there stood Jack.

"Can I spend the night...I'll stay in the guest room?"


I was actually relieved a bit, it just felt good to see him and have him home for a bit. He looks me up and down before he walks in

"We're having a guest over" I say nervously "Ruby's mom is coming and we want to make her jealous, make her realise what she's lost"

Now that I say it out loud I realise how dumb this sounds coming from a grown woman

"I can stay upstairs if you'd like?" He says lowly...he sounds afraid

"No no no actually I would like for you to join us"

"I'll be happy to"

Not going to lie things were a bit awkward. Feels like our first few times together when we first met.

I hugged him and I let a breath of relief. He was obviously shocked but he hugged me back

When we finally separated we just stand there staring at each other

'Snap out of it'


'You better'


'Snap out of it you horny female'

I'm not horny

'Then say something and walk away'

Dayum he looks good right now


'Stupid bitch'

"He" says back

'Lord kill this bitch now'

"Would you shut up!"

"I didn't say anything" Jack says

now it looks like I should be in a hospital

"Um...Jack after dinner I want you to talk to Ruby please?"



By the time Jack came back downstairs Ruby's mother had just arrived and we were all sitting at the table

"Nice house Elizabeth" her mom says as she looks around

"It's Samantha and thank you" I smiled sarcastically "What's your name again?"


" really do look like a Simeon"

"Yeah the whore version from the amazing world of gumball...nasty child thrower whore" my subconscious snickers

Wow I have a lot rage towards this human

"I said Susan"

"Oh sorry my mistake"

"So does this handsome man speak" she says as she gawks at Jack

"I'm her husband" he says proudly taking my hand in his

Low-key glad he kept his ring on

"What a pitty" she said under her breath


"Anyway Ruby baby why don't you tell Simeon where we're going later"

"I would but you wouldn't tell us" Ruby grins excitedly

"Well...I know if I should say because Sierra and Ruby won't want to nap on the plane" lowly with a playful smirk at Sierra and Adalee

"We're going on a plane!" Sierra lights up cheerfully. She loves planes and flying though she's only done it twice. Once they went with me early January last year for a business trip and the other we went to Cabo

"Where are we going!" Adalee hypes up as much as her sister

"We are going to Italy!" I said excitedly

"I don't know where there is but Yasss!" Sierra cheered

"Great take my child somewhere that's filled with a bunch of rapists"

"Excuse me" Jack buts in

"Babies mommy made cheesecake and there's a bowl of your favourite gummies in the fridge" they were smart enough to take the hint and ran off

"Last one in the kitchen is a rotten egg!" Sierra yelled

"You can call me a bitch or whatever but the most hurtful thing you vould say is that I'm your child!" Ruby stands and looks at her mother angrily

She called her bitch...I knew that word sounded familiar. Dejeah always calls me that when I won't let her borrow my heels

"But you are this rich prissy can never give you what I gave you!" Simone yelled

"What? The nightmares constant fear that you were going to kill me next!"

"Hold up lets pause for a second" Jack stands with his eyes closed and his pointer finger up as if he's taking it all in. He opens his eyes and he puts his hands down on his hips

Dramatic much

"No one is aloud the mother of my children a prissy bitch she's worked hard to get where she's at" Jack says


"This woman has given the best of the best to me, she's given me the best little sisters anyone can ask for, a great house to live in, she's given me everything and anything"

"And I will always baby" I walked over to her and hugged her as tight as I could

"I love you" she says as she started teating up

"I love you too"

"Get out my house" I tell Simone and she simply huffed and left


Jack Ruby and I cleared the table in silence and I decided to go check om the twins though they pretty much don't care about me if they have gummie in their mouths

Jack noticed me slowly backing out the kitchen

He immediately looked as if he was about to piss himself

I winked at him and ran away

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