date night part 1

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I stood looking at my closet at all the cocktail dresses and honestly none said "bitch I'm trying to seduce you and make you hurt" to me.

Dejeah was here because she was babysitting and Sam was going to be here later because he wanted to spend time with the girls.

I honestly don't think that's the case but whatever he says.

And not a moment to soon

"Where my little sis at?" He runs into the closet. He grabs me from behind and spins me around a few times

When he puts me down he sits on the fluffy white chair I had in the corner when I just needed to scan my closet

"Sammy!" Dejeah yelled as she walks into the closet

"Yeah" Sam and I both say at the same time

"Um...ok You both need different nicknames"

"Just call me daddy" he says under his breath but he doesn't realize I was standing closest to him so I heard

He's so into her

Like bad

"I'll call Samuel nugget and Samantha you'll stay as Sammy" she explains

"Why nugget?" Sam asked

"Because your head shaped like a damn nugget" she laughs "keep in mind out friends gon be calling you that too"

"I prefer my first nickname" he grumbles

This time she heard

"What name?" She asked

"Nothing" he says immediately not waiting for anything else

"Ok if you're done can you help we with what to wear?" I whinned

"Where are you going anyway" nugget asked

"She's going out with Derek" Dejeah chuckles

Before I gave him a chance to say anything I jumped in "I'm gonna get revenge on Derek because he's the reason Jack has to go to court this week"

"What do you mean" O right I didn't tell anyone in the family neither Jack's family

"I'll tell you later just help me"

"Well if I had your boovs and legs I would probably wear this" Dejeah scanned my closet and picked out a black, cleavage almost out, diamond cocktail dress. I forgot I had that. I bought it to go to Stassie's 23rd birthday bash but ended up wearing something I had before. I felt too uncomfortable

I slipped into the dress of her choice and stood in front the mirror

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I slipped into the dress of her choice and stood in front the mirror. Dang this thing is tight.

It's perfect

"Did you call in that favor?" Dejeah asked mischievously

"Of course I did" I smiled back with the same amount of mischief. I was way too excited

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