last time

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My mind was more than too far gone. I didn't know what or how much to expect from all of this. I wanted things to change but it's like when it's time to settle and have a normal life as possible something comes to bite me in the ass. I tell myself that I can handle it each time but I fall more and more each time and I'm becoming quite tired of it...literally. My own body is against me every time I think on the line of stress. This time things are worst than before. Derek lied but didn't at the same time if that makes sense about Sierra being Jack's daughter and is trying to set Jack up. This man has made me look like a fool, but he knew I'd believe it because he knew that Jack has done shit like that before. It leaves me questioning, how? The only people that knew about that was Jack and I. What am I asking myself? It's Derek I'm talking about, he finds his way no matter what.

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I had just finished packing Sierra and Adalee's things for the trip and I thought I'd check in with Ruby with her packing. I knocked on door though it was wide open before entering. She was sitting on the floor sketching in the sketch bad I had gotten her a few weeks back. She was drawing that girl again.

Honestly I don't think Ruby is mentally ok.

I know no child really is when they come from foster care but Ruby seemed beyond gone. She had more baggage than Dejeah when Louis Vuiton had a sale on Fridays.

She was damaged

Her face straight with no emotion, deep into her detail

I sat next to her on the floor in her usual corner near the window and she doesn't in the slightest acknowledge me. The perspective in her drawing was so amazing I was speechless. The girl was laid down in water and hands were pushing her down while she was screaming beneath the surface. When you looked at it, it seemed as if I was pushing her or I was standing over the person who was.

Her left hand teaching out the water while the right was holding onto the left hand of the person pushing her. Her hair spread across the water, air bubbles leaving her lips as she screamed. Even though she was submerged in water it was obvious that she was crying, she looked shocked, hurt.

I looked down at the detailed hands that were pushing her and they belonged to a woman. Her neatly pedicured hands had the same tattoos on each finger. On her left had a left hand each finger had a letter spelling trust all together on the other spelling no one.

"She's my older sister" we're getting somewhere

"What's her name?" I asked while she did a final outlining


"Where is she?"

"Main street of the heaven's gates"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"You know when you found me my mom and I weren't poor, she thought it would build extra effect for people to feel sorry and give her more cash"

"Why did an want to give you away then?" I was beyond confused

"Because I wasn't her favourite, Addison she said but I don't get who would beat on the favourite" she spoke sadly

I took a closer look at her sketch pad and noticed how many pages were done. I didn't understand because she never free in front of me or anyone. She was always around me or the twins every second of the day.

Does she sleep?

"My sister was like a mother to me instead of a sister, she's help me with my homework and take care of me while our mom was out"

"How old was she?"


"Addi and I had to make straight A's and had to be good or we'd be punished, she got it worst because she was older"

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