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"Jack there's something you should know, this shouldn't be coming from me but obviously Anastasia didn't tell you and took the road I specifically told her not to" Dr. Logan closed the door behind her and took a seat next to me looking down at her hands as they shook nervously

"for years I've been Anastasia's doctor and we've become quite fond of each other she's like my little sister. As I hold this title I always look out for her, I was there when she found out she was pregnant with who she made everyone believe was Derek's baby"

"lady I don't know what you smoke and crashed on but I only have 2 daughters with a woman named Samantha not with plastic"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that Mr. Gilinsky you both may have lied about it for your benefit but I know everything from day 1, I was the one she asked to do the secret paternity test"

"I knew something was up" I sighed knowing I was in deeper shit

"by the way, Stassie's just another pretty gym freak sorry you enjoy judging people" she rolled her eyes and walked out with my result she just took

I unlocked my phone once more and searched her name in my contact list

I was wondering if to dial it or not after what I just heard but it's my shot to fix this.

ill just pretend that I don't know shit, I mean, do it all the time when Samantha wants me to do something.

I did it I dialed her number

"hey Stassie"


Samantha's POV

I set the dinner table for 4 and just as I did so my little butterflies came flying in at me

"mi mariposa" I hugged them tightly as Samuel came in and joined on the love

a moment later we release each other and the girls went up to change

"How you holding up?"

"I'll be ok," I say knowingly

"have you called his parents yet?"

"not yet maybe in the morning, right now I need my girls and food"

"I'm proud of you, you'll do great with him and with Ruby" he smiled and it was contagious. Sam always had that 'you'll be ok smile' it made me happy to see him smile, to sit me down and tell me wrong from right. Considering he's only been, my brother for 5 years he's been the best. Sam's more like my twin in any perspective because we like doing the same shit.

he hugs me one last time before kissing my forehead and leaves.

A little while later Sierra, Adalee, and Ruby were running into the Kitchen

I see Ruby is a food addict as well

"no food until Derek's here" I laugh

"the pretty man is coming" Adalee cheers and I couldn't help but laugh

Ruby was quiet the whole time and I wasn't in a rush to break her out of her shell. She's got baggage and has to unload for herself.

"don't starve them on my account" his familiar voice came around the corner with his neat frame

"how'd you get in"

"The door was open a little," he says nervously

Sam always runs out without closing it fully the hinges always stick

Dinner went well, we ate talked well everyone except Ruby, the usual

it was getting pretty late so I eventually left Derek alone downstairs to tuck my babies in.

When it was time to head over to Ruby she wasn't in bed. I checked her closet knowingly and there she was sound asleep. She wasn't all that heavy so I picked her up and put her in bed. Tucking her in and kissing her forhead.

"You are beautiful and amazing I love you" I whisper and a smile crept upon her lips. That right there made me want to cry

I closed her door behind me and went back to Derek who was clearing the dishes.

"You didn't have to do that" I smiled leaning against the kitchen island watching him pack the dishes away

He just shrugs and continues what he's doing without any words said

"I was thinking to go on a girl's trip this weekend, me Ruby, the twins, Dejeah, Kelsey and if Stassie wants to come I guess" the thought of having Stassie there was all too nerve racking. We settled things but I can't help but not trust her. I feel like things aren't over.

"You want to invite me?" Derek turned around and looked at me as if I just ate my own shit

"Last time I checked I had the banana not the papaya" he laughs

"Noooo dumbass I wanted your opinion"

"I know I know, it sounds like a great idea get the girls out the negative atmosphere, help Ruby adapt also give you time before the trial"

He leans against the counter opposed to me and gives me his full attention

"What about Stassie then"

"She's your friend not mine" he says blandly

For the few seconds I thought about letting Kylie and Stormi tag along but Kelsey refuses to talk to Kylie and Kylie probably has things to do

"Thanks for being here" I looked down and a sudden hand of nervous caressed my body

"Its not a problem really"

His smile made everything ok. I didn't think it was possible but I believed it was ok. It was ok because in that moment I forgot about him, I forgot about Jack. Instead a sudden interest for Derek's lips was more appealing. And I guess he felt it too because he made sure to leave no space between us.

It took all of me to resist and I know I didn't want to but at the same time did. I looked down ashamed and moved from whatever this is.

"You can't keep doing that" he chuckles lowly

"But you know why I keep doing that"

I walked to the door with my head hung low knowing he'd follow

"Goodbye Derek"

"See you later Sammy"

He walks out and I closed the door

I was lost

I was done

I walked upstairs for a mind erasing bath to relieve myself of previous events hopefully but before I do I checked my phone for any missed calls or messages

There weren't any but things that took a shocking turn....

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