just Jack

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The memory sunk in more as I remembered how I used to stalk her family's social media pages just to see how she was doing. Every second of it demolished me. I should have been happy that I was given a chance to go on with my life as if nothing happened but I wasn't. I felt like a piece of me disappeared into thin air.

With every feeling I had within those years rushing back to me all the guilt finally took a toll on me. I had to tell him...

I had too

I didn't know what I'd acheive but I felt like I had to...

I hoped he'd maybe jump in my arms and ask to be a family, be like we once were.

I came to my senses

I wasn't over him after all these years

I've been through phases.

Yeah the liking girls thing...adventure excitement it was all fun but after that it took the 6 months of depression, seeing him pawn over her

Seeing that I missed out

I know she could never go for him because she's all about Jack but the way things look I don't think I have time. I can't help but feel jealous but I know he only wants to hurt Jack, he's only using her. But the toxic attention from him I crave the most.

I have to go talk to her

"It's like 10pm early enough" I thought as I looked down at my watch

"No woman is taking my man"

"What am I thinking she's my friend"

"But if she's engaged and not hooking up with the guy that put the ring on her finger then that makes her a thot with my man"

"Anastasia you are a God damn maniac he's not even yours, you're talking to yourself about a guy who hates you" my subconscious mocked and boy was she right

Whatever I'm still going over there


an hour later

I found myself in front of her door

I would knock but it was wide open leaving me to walk right in. The house was dimmed and dreary and the atmosphere evidently cheerless, not the usual feel. The room cold from the door being open causing me to shiver in my tank top

I walk in further and I immediately regretted everything. The things I didn't know I felt was rushing through my veins. I hoped my eyes were deceiving me because damn it hurt. His lips carefully caressed hers.

I have never wanted to be in someone else's place as much as I do now

I took another look before I left with my head hung low and my mind submerged in disappointment

Jack's POV

"I agree with her"

"Johnson are you serious how the hell could you believe, how could you agree"

"Because your ass is on my couch drunk off tequila!"

"Dude I'm not drunk" I justify obviously lying because I couldn't sit straight with out falling and I couldn't even keep my eyes open

"Whatever you say bud" he rolls his eyes and started walking to his room

"You know what I think is your problem" I laugh

"What is it Jack please enlighten me with my so call problem" he rolls his eyes again

"You're jealous" I chuckly lazily

Why the hell did I say that

"Why the hell would I be jealous of you Jack, I mean look at you there's nothing to look at anymore if you think about it" he glares

Ouch. That hurt

"You're jealous of what I have that's why you don't come around anymore, jealous of the thick ass I can have when I get home, the beautiful daughters the house, the money"

Why am I talking?

Why did I say that...I don't mean it!

"I am not jealous of a free loader...you know if you look at it you're practically a gold digger" he laughs in realization

"And you have been for years but she put up with you...G I may have not been lucky with love but you have and you took advantage of that, at least I can say I'm not a cheater, not a gold digger, and I don't beat on my wife, I can say that I'm doing what I love I didn't mess up and it all lead me to Kelsey so I'm fine"

"Yeah right I still hear jealousy" I laughed

"Get out" he sighs

"What why"

"We've faught we've yelled and made up but I'm not fighting this time bro, you've disappointed me" he says lowly as he opens the front door

"Come on bro you know I was joking"

"Gilinsky shut up if you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it" my subconscious mocked

"What about Jack and Jack it's akways been us, the best duo since-" I say hoping he'd finish our verse from our old song California

"I'm done" was all he says before slamming the door in my face

I guess it's just Jack

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now