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Yeah I thought I'd be able to leave Stassie behind and continue as if I'm mad at her but I guess not. Before Samantha appeared we figured out as much as we could and as much as we could was nothing. We found nothing.

"He won't talk to me anymore to him I messed up his little chance" Stassie explains. Her blue eyes have now gone dark and frail and her face had disappointment written all over it.

"Babe you have to try if you wanna help Sammy"

"Stas I know you and Derek have a connection and maybe if you just use that-"

"We don't have anything ok!" She yells having everyone around us look towards our corner. Now I'm more curious about this situation.

"I'll let you guys know if I find anything out I should go" Stassie lets out a breath that sounded like she's been holding in since she got here. She waved towards Kylie then left.

"I'm worried about her"

"I feel like she knows more than she's letting on" I tell her

"Are you saying that my bestfriend is a liar"

"She is but in this situation I think she's protecting someone"

"What? Who?" Kylie sat up and looked at me giving me her full attention, wanting to hear anything that could help her friend

"Herself" was all I said and she looked like she was trying to conjure up an answer.

"I wish I could be much of assistance but I don't know her for that long"

"But Maggie and kelsey might"

"1 who the hell is Maggie 2 I don't think Kelsey likes me that much or at all for that matter" she played with the straw in her drink nervously and refused to make eye contact any longer

"She thinks you're trying to take Stassie away from her"

"She thinks I'm a rich parasite..great" She smiled sarcastically

"It's not my first rodeo" she laughs nervously

"If you're not busy you can come along and clear things up if not you can have a girl's day with Sammy I'm sure she won't mind"

"No it's ok"

"No it's not for the 2 hours we've been here you've been ignoring all your calls telling me you wanna disappear for a while so which is it gonna be"

"Well someone pays attention to details" she giggles

"I lived with 2 sisters who gossiped everyday, dragged my parents into then I had a dramatic ass girlfriend then she turned my ex but is best friends with my fiance and I live with three girls who have a lot of unannounced friends over"

"Lady's man I see"

"It seems so, what's it gonna be"

"I wanna meet Maggie I don't want to be in Samantha's hair"

"Lets go then"


"Sure but she can leave"

"Kels don't be like that" we were at Kelsey's first to make it easy maybe Kels can help she knows a part of Stassie so maybe it can help piece together things with Maggie

"She's I said before rich parasite" Kylie headed towards the door but before I gave her the chance to

"You are being really low right now"

"If Johnson didn't give you any explanation and just drop you the person that saw you as their brother and you saw them the same and later on he doesn't have time for you because he's with his new you here the word brother or how about when you're going through the biggest crisis of your life and you call you brother to help you out but he says he can't, you know why, because he's out partying with his new rich friend!" Tears welled in her eyes as she was no longer looking at me but at Kylie

"I'm sorry Kels I had no intention to" Kylie apologized, it wasn't hard to miss the sincerity in her eyes

"Whatever just hurry and tell me why you're here so you can get out of my house as fast" she glared at Kylie giving her the death stair. If I saw that look I'd be shivering in my pants but when I looked at Kylie she had her hands clutched and a dazed and angered look on her face.

"What happened when Derek came and you and Stassie and your plan"

"So you came to make me feel worst than I already do about it"

"No I want to know the truth I wanna know what she's hiding from us. I wanna know why she wants to hurt us"

"That's none of your business"

"Kelsey do you not get it!","Stassie did leave you ok but not for Kylie" I yelled having enough of the banter

"You're lying"

"I'm afraid he's not Stassie is...Stassie is not ok it's all I know from my perspective" Kylie lies

"Stop lying she's fine she left me for miss thick rich and perfect" Kelsey testifies

"If you were her best friend you'd know why she leaves for a month every year in May, if you weren't worrying about yourself you wouldn't have been blinded you would have seen her hurt!" Kylie screamed tears filling her eyes and her teeth gritted

"And you would know you barely know her"

"I certainly know more than you" Kylie sassed

"Jack she's lying...Stassie would have spoken to me"

"She's not for the past few years it's been all about you and you won't see that. Everyone has to listen what Kelsey says as soon as you saw Kylie you judged her and that made you act like a jealous ass it only made me see that Stassie is in the right more than you are despite what her unforgivable deed" I looked at Kelsey and her eyes easily faded to a darker place

"If your head wasn't so far up your ass you wouldn't have messed up a friendship with the coolest person so if you're ready to stop acting like a selfish little fucker you might as well start talking because mama needs to meet her kid"

"Stassie and Derek were together before we met the group"

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