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wrapping him up in rope  like they had just committed a crime. I felt as if I was apart of their devious crime. Jack's body all tied up as if hes been kidnapped. My kids looking like little midget robbers you'd see on those comedy shows. Except with the rage and satisfaction of beating a guy to a pulp they were shaking and terrified. Ruby seemed beyond lost yet she seemed unbothered. The more I look at her and the more I learn the more curious I got. I looked across the room and saw my mother in utter shock taken back by what she had just witnessed, my sisters the same as they tied the last few knots around Jack.

"I can't think of a better time to give you this it came in this morning" Em says as she handed me a crisp white envelope with my name on it and the child agency's stamp. I opened it hurriedly hoping I something good would turn out of this no good day.


 Dear Ms Wilkinson Gilinsky,

                                                          we are happy to have you on board with the line of work that you do and the dedication you submit. Concerning the adoption of young Isabella Ruby Martinez, we are glad to inform you that you are able to adopt Isabella.


I hadn't bothered reading the rest because I was already filled with ecstatic energy.

"Ruby, girls we're going on vacation"

within the time that passed from 8pm to 11pm the cops came for Jack. I never thought I'd see this man go away in handcuffs, I never thought I'd see him this way ever, Jack was broken, this man broke himself with his ugly ass ego. Samuel came over to help clean up but I insisted he take my mom, sisters and kids to his while I cleaned up I wanted nothing more than to be alone.


"woah what happened here" his voice rang through my ears and echoes through the empty house.

I looked back at him not caring much of why he was here because I was more worried with the murderous thoughts in my head. They brought me reality.

"I hope it's ok but the front door was open" he justifies

my eyes started burning my tears flushed over my cheeks and my head feeling dizzy

"I can leave if you  want or I can help you clean up from whatever tornado hit" he said as he looked around at the unbelievable mess

I picked up a few shards of glass and suddenly see my reflection

damn I look terrible

I put it down feeling heavy and tired and sat on the floor gazing at the mess

"mind talking" he sat next to me and I saw his brown eyes. Taking me back to when I couldn't. When everything was horrible.

"Derek what do I do so wrong" I looked at him begging for an answer from somewhere something

"my kids did not deserve to see that!"

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DEREK!" my voice cracked at his name as my tears and hurt buckled in my throat

"what happened?" he questions softly

"I think my baby daddy's going to prison...he hit me, he hit them and I couldn't do anything because I was fucking coward, I was scared, too much in my own head"

"he hurt you again" Derek looked beyond furious. I'm sure if he was here when everything was happening he might have killed Jack. I wouldn't put it past him

"it's gonna be ok" he assures but my ass was in panic mode

"noitsnotJack'sgoing tojailandSierraandAdaleearegoingtohatehimalloftheirliveshowcouldIignorethesigns!" I babbled

I suddenly felt heat and a high I couldn't explain I didn't care anymore for myself. I put myself off the line because it finally sunk in that he hurt my babies. I saw nothing but black but it all goes away when I felt my lips being taken. He couldn't even hold me due to how sore I was but he kissed me like no tomorrow and I kissed back.

I kissed him back

Derek kissed me

and I kissed him back


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