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I was sitting on the sand watching the sun go down as the girls build sandcastles with Ruby. My eyes didn't just crave tears to fall from the beautiful scenery but from the thought that Jack hit me.

He did

I can't believe it...My mind is blown, my body in shock.

I never thought I'd have to deal with something like that again. First it was my supposed mother, then Derek now this.

I didn't want to tell my mom or sisters because they'd be Zilla and kill him and our friends don't take shit like that too lightly. I'm not involving anyone. I stare at my little cubs as I only thought but to disrupt me was my phone notifications.

Mama Wilk: baby where are you no one's home right now

Me: I'll be home in a few took the girls out

"No one's home" I thought

I guess I brought back the coward Jack. The Jack that runs away when things aren't what he hoped for.

Mama Wilk: hurry I bought you food don't let it get cold

Me: I'm on my way

Mama Wilk: I love you

Me: I love you too


My 3 mariposas were in their bed smuggled up and I had finished eating the good that my mom brought. I could tell she sensed something so I went into my room before she could talk to me about it. It's mother's intuition, I don't get her wrong. I paced around the room a million times, I washed my face a million times, I took a long bath and rolled around in bed but I could calm my nerves.


Its what I need and the only thing that can do that right now is work. I put on jeans and a sweater and slipped on my vans and went out to my car. Usually I'd take the range but it gave me a vibe plus let them think I was home sleeping or something. I took the Mercedes out the garage and went to WG. As soon as I opened the door the floral scents filled my nose immediately sending tranquil energy through me.

I sat at my desk doing paperwork not just for the company but Ruby's adoption papers to send to get approvals.

I sat there for an hour later staring and Ruby's file figuring out why I adored this child so much. It was simple one I looked over at the picture of me and the Wilks I had framed on my desk. I looked down at my phone and saw a message. Derek? Came it 10 minutes ago. I looked at the time and it was 10 at night.

Derek: hey

Me: hey

Derek: wyd

Me: dying on the inside wassup

Derek: I wanted to talk to you if that's ok

Me: yeah sure I'm all ears

Derek: like face to face?

Me: sure I'm at WG

It only took him half an hour to get here and we were sitting in the balcony of my office.

"You and Gilinsky did good" he smiled genuinely as his eyes romed the frame of the building. I didn't say anything to it I simply smiled back and looked at the moon above

"What's on your mind?" I asked

"I wanted to apologize, I realized I never did properly at that"

"You did" I remind him

"But I never gave you my reason" I walk back inside and he followed behind. I sit on the chair to the corner of the office while he leans of the desk

"This story might sound weird but its true-"

He explained to me how him and Stassie were together and how they had a child. He told me how Stassie overdosed and so on. But what I wasn't expecting was...

"Jack and Stassie slept with each other!" I stand in disbelief

"Yeah that's why I didn't believe Maggie when she told me about us haveing a son. After that it was over between then and us. As for you and I, jealousy went a long way. I saw how you cared for Jack, how you made time for him just for a hug and I wanted that, Gilinsky broke trust for me a long time ago but I got over it"

"I don't understand...if you got over it what made you do it?"

"When Jack started bragging about you on social media I congratulated him because he wasn't stuck with Madison anymore. A normal person would have said thank you but he continues boasting he 'I know I was always the one to get the ass, I can take it if I want whenever"

"He was drunk wasn't he?" I sighed already knowing and he nods answering my question

"I didn't care but when they say drunk man's words is a sober man's thoughts it made me ask and then and there he confessed he told me that I didn't deserve happiness because I always treated woman poorly not knowing it was the other way around. When I figured out it was all for sex I just went with it. Then he told me that whenever we were together woman would come at me when they couldn't get with him, when his list was too long to fuck with"

"Typical egotistical dick" I thought

"Then I wanted to not just prove to him that he was wrong and I would find some who would actually talk to me and not just in bed but as a partner I even wanted to prove to Stassie that I can do better and maybe get her back"

He whispers the last part as he looks down to the grown frowning. I was still able to hear but I wish I hadn't because I was giving myself a headache with all the inner screaming

"But I don't want that much toxin I don't want someone who won't listen to me we could have decided on adoption if I said no not kill someone who deserved a chance at life just like everyone on earth"

With all that it's quite obvious

Through struggle and pain he still wants her back after all these years

"You just want her to feel what you felt"

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now