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This morning I woke up earlier than Jack happy for it because I figured I would head down to WG to see how it's holding up do a weekly check up on the kids and stuff. I left a note for Jack on the kitchen counter and before leaving I kissed Sierra and Adalee on their forheads and left

Every time I drove up to this building I couldn't be more satisfied, I couldn't be more happy. It was a tall sleek white building measuring possibly and average apartment complex. A percentage of the walls where the offices were was covered in tinted windows to reflect the sunrise and the sunset. Near each window descending were full vines and a high grade of aesthetic flowers.

On the inside every floor was decorated accordingly. The first was welcoming with nature as outside. The same aesthetics were used but a big blue bird was painted behind the secretary's desk from my favourite book 'The Masterpiece' by Francine Rivers. All the others were amusing but I don't have time for that. My favourite floor was where all kids stayed. People call WG an orphanage I simply call it home for the gifted. As cliche as it sounds it's only truth.

I don't understand the hate people have to such angels. That floor was covered in of course butterflies and nature murals on the walls but on the ceiling was a mural itself. Every child that passes through this institution gets to create a piece important to them. At the end of the month I'd have someone come in and paint what the children felt. Their were doodles, music notes, everything. I take in the natural aroma of the flowers in the halls as I walked to Jack and my office mostly mine because when he's here he's in the music room. As soon as my butt hit my chair Emily my assistant walks.

"Glad to see you looking well"

"When I'm here always" I admit

"What's the sitch" I ask as I took of my jacket

"Ruby" was all she says and my head immediately went to my hands and sighed. Ruby has been here since she was 4 and she's 15 now. She has no known relatives except for her mother but she's a druggy and a prostitute. She grew up in a bad place so she tends to act out. When I found her she was on the sidewalk wrapped in a blanket as her mother was having sex behind a dumpster. When her mother saw me she couldn't walk over to me she was batshit high. I remembered clearly her asking if I wanted a kid as she pointed to her daughter and said 10 grand for her.

"What has she done now?"

"I think you should see for yourself" she frowns and I got off my butt and went to see Ruby

A few turns and halls down she was in her room sitting in a corner hugging her knees. Her head down between them as I hear her little cries

"Ruby" I call and her head shot up to me. Usually she'd run up to me and hug me but she doesn't. She's rough around the edges but she just wants someone to hold her.

I closed the door behind me and went to sit next to her. She looks at me but only to soon bury her head again. I scan her and her wrist caught my eyes. Pulling it towards me to look at it carefully

"What did you do Ruby?" I groaned

"I cut myself obviously" she sniffles

She finally looks me in the eyes and her beautiful greys were gone. They were almost engulfed by red and the darkness she felt. I didn't know what to say to her but I proved myself a point. As the time goes by I feel like this place isn't good for her. She's supposed have her parents especially her mother at her side. I held her in my arms as she cried.

"Would you like to come home with me today?" She looks at me emotionless and sniffles

"If you like it you can stay the week just to get away and maybe you can live with me"

I was going out my way for a reason that I don't quite know yet but I know I feel a bond between us because I found her. I felt like I was supposed to.

"You don't have to but-" she hugs me tighter and I kiss her hair taking it as a yes.

She doesn't say anything but starts pulling everything in a plastic bag


"Jack?" I called out but no answer well I guess he's not here neither were the twins. They're supposed to be in school but it's being renovated so long weeks home.

"You'll be staying in here"

I show her the guest bedroom and still she said nothing.

"I'm going to prepare dinner because we're having my family over from Nebraska"

"You can go ahead and freshen up"

This time she doesn't look at me but walks towards the window to get a view of the sun setting

My mom and sisters were coming from Nebraska and Sammy is on his way from whatever it is he be doing on a daily.

Me: can you come home we have to talk and my parents will be here soon
Sent at 5:30pm

Me: where are you
Sent at 6:00pm

Me: Jack it's getting late the girls need to sleep soon
Sent at 7:50pm

I was fed up with Jack, my mom, Samuel and sisters are already here and ate and I can't see my kids yet. Ruby has been on her own spree with self company and Emily was trying to get her to talk.

As I was about to tend to Ruby there was a knock at the door. I ran to it my heart racing for some reason as I opened it. I sighed in relief as I saw my girls in the hands of relief.

"Are these yours" he joked

"Where's Jack and why were they with you?"

"I don't know he just asked me to watch them"

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now