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Jack's POV

"It was fun hanging out with my favourite nieces but I have a last minute show for the one and only Kylie Jenner"

"I know we got invited it's a themed party something like that but we're not going"

Johnson was supposed to be dropping off Sierra and Adalee from their week long stay but instead he's trying to get us to go to that dumb party that I know Stassie would be at and I'm not putting Sammy through that.

"Come on dude I want the support in this there's gonna be tons of producers there and I really wanna get into performing at the AMAs this year" he begged weirdly pouting his blue eyes and his lip "baby shark would be there"

And just like that their eyes lit up like the burning Sun beautifully harmful. Giving me the same amout of distasteful puppy eyes

"Si and Lee are gonna have to ask mommy because mommy won't listen to daddy"

"I'll text you if she says yes" I rolled my eyes to the fact that I was even considering this

"See you there" he winked and left

"Mommy!" Adalee screamed

"Aww my babies are back"

"Mommy can we go see baby shark" Sierra yanked on Samantha's arm while Adalee hugged her leg as tightly as she could.

"Go where?"

"Johnson's performing at Kylie Jenner's party and wants us to be there"

"And he used my own children against me...well played Johnson my boy well played"

"So?" I trailed

"The girls want to go and we're going to support Johnson nothing else"

"I'll put them up for nap time then so by the time they wake up it's time to get ready"

"Jack it's 10 in the morning and they just got home"

"Nuh uh you owe me a round 2 I've been waiting to see what's in that Victoria Secret bag all day yesterday" she looks at me disgustingly me already knowing what she's thinking but then looks down to realize that they ran off a while ago.


"Why not I've been a good boy" I smiled as I viciously scrambled through my mind to find the right words to say to her

"You watch them and I'm going to take a bath let them fall asleep on their own" she glared at me before she left disappearing up the stairs

Little footsteps were heard down the hall and we're getting louder as they appeared from the kitchen with the bowl full of gummy bears.

"I guess you found the stash I bought for you but not the right ones"

"Can we eat it?" Sierra asked though she already has a handful in her mouth

"You want a bunch of boring looking gummies instead of a gummy butterfly that's hard to believe" I sighed "but if it's what you want"

I turned to walk away knowing my plan would work in




"Where is it?" Adalee's eyes were lit up brighter than any star I've ever seen while Sierra didn't hear a word because her head was literally down in the bag.

"My butterflies can have their gum gums after they took their nappy time" knowing Johnson he probably hyped them up on their last night so they won't have a lot of energy left

"Promise?" Sierra's head was out the bag now glaring at me and pointing at me as if she was going to kill me if I said no. I sat on the floor at their level to meet their gazes

"I promise mi mariposa" she smiled and lets go of the bag to run to me. She wraps her arm around my neck and hugs me tightly. My head goes out for a sec bringing back the memory when my little Sisi wouldn't even come to me. As a baby she only cried when she was near me or was forced to be in my arms. She got along with strangers more than she did with me until I just have her space and eventually it happened. It was mostly bribery but it worked. Even if she had another man's blood in her I'm still her father and she's my little butterfly, they both are the best at soaring and finding ways to figure things out and they're only 5.

"Ready to fly?" Adalee jumped onto my back while Sierra wrapped my arm around her tummy

"Spread your wings and flap as hard as you could" they did as told and we does through the house and into their room which was covered in a purple butterflies.

I remembered when we couldn't decide what we wanted the theme to be. Samantha wanted it not just to be cute but for it to have meaning to them and us. She took one look at my arm and the biggest smile I've ever seen in her face appeared. Every time I walk in here I remember what she said

She said "colour me with transformation, let go of the old to bring in something new, find who I am inside. When I look at myself I see the colours of my new world, bringing forth my joy. They can never limit me for I have freedom to express myself, for I am freedom, expression and change is within me. I was in an unpleasant place till I found my home. I found you, you are my home"

I remember asking her what she meant and she only told me that we are once caterpillars dreading not to be squished by life soon to find the things that transformed us into something stronger and better than we were.

She walked out the room still leaving me confused so I followed her. She lead me to our room where she was standing in front of the closet mirror. She hugs me tightly with tears hugging her cheeks for a few then saying goodbye at her chin

"Butterfly" was all she said as she looked at my tattoo from the mirrors view

Only then I understood. She just summed up our whole life within that short paragraph. What we've been through. She wanted them to feel our presence every day. She wanted them to feel the good that came out of our lives.

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now