chapter 23

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Two days later.

On a cold Wednesday night, Josephine turned in her king sized bed, looking at her phone. Contemplating whether to text or not.

"Hi" she finally sent. And almost immediately he replied.

"Josephine?" She rolled her eyes at that.

Darlington saw a message from a number saved as mine with heart emoji and her picture. He had been looking for her number for the past two days and he tried everything. Of course when he was the text, she was his first suspect.

"I never knew Josephine was a new way of saying hey back. Is it a form of Spanish which I don't know yet darling?" She sent it to him and almost immediately Darlington picked his phone, sitting up on his bed. He was now fully aware it was Josephine.

"Hello" he texted to her bitting his lower lip and nervously fidgeting with the top corner of his phone case as he waited eagerly for her reply.

He stopped. Why was he so happy all of a sudden? Why did he feel all giddy inside from just her text?" He shook his head to clear out his thoughts as his phone went ting!

"Pretty formal ain't that darling?"


"It's kind of cute"

Darlington felt heat creep up his cheek at the odd compliment.

"Thanks" he replied. Putting the corner of his phone to his lip as he nibbled on the case anxiously.

"Ok then. Good night?" Josephine texted against her will. She wanted to talk to him but had nothing to say exactly.

"Night." Darlington replied, putting his phone aside and sighing. It was nerve wrecking for him.

He crawled under his covers and closed his eyes.

Josephine sighed. She expected him to bring up a topic but its not like they were all that close and what on earth would she talk about with him?

She wanted to ask him his hobbies and what he liked and disliked. If he could drive. What his height in measurement was. If he could sing. If he listened to the kind of music she did. If he danced like she did. If he could play an instrument like she could. How he vented out his anger. Was he a cat or a dog person. If he liked her.

Josephine put the covers over herself as she stared at her screen rereading his messages.

It was short. So short. But it made heat creep its way to her face.

After a while, she decided to scroll through instagram. Looking at basketballers and some business advertisements that popped up between posts. She saw some sites selling sneakers which piqued her interest.

She clicked on the link, leaving instagram and into the shopping site. A black and red with a matching black and blue caught her interest.

Her mind instantly shot to Darlington. He'd love it.


Her phone went and a notification popped up. "Hello" from: darlin.

She sucked in breath as she tapped on it.

"Having a hard time sleeping?" She replied then lingered a little over a second waiting for his reply as she went back to her shopping.


"Yeah" he texted.

"Same" she replied.


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