Chapter 3

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(Harry's Thoughts)

~Riddick's thoughts~


Chapter 3

After leaving Fry in her self-pity party in the front cabin, Harry made his way through the chaos to the outside where the other survivors had gone. Just before going out into the light he heard a rustling noise that made him looked back and stare into a shaded part of the ship.

There Harry spotted a man chained to a pole. He had dark skin that reminded Harry of light chocolate. It covered a strong and tall build that had muscles Harry had never seen on a male before. They tighten and loosed as the man leaned forward with his arms chained behind and around a pole. it look uncomfortable but the man let out no sound of complaint, there was a blindfold over his eyes and what looked like a ball in his month.

Harry may not understand what the man had done to be chained so. But the way his arms were chained was inhuman as far as he was concerned. Taking a deep breath he took in more of the man's scent trying to see if he could pick up anything up from it.

He nearly step back as it hit fall force him. Blinking his eyes he narrowed them in thought. he had never smelt like anything like this scent before, it was like a scent of wild forests, with the hint of blood, something untameable that couldn't be chained up for long.

It sent shivers down his body. Harry didn't know it yet but deep inside him, his body began to change slightly and the light of his magic thumped to the beat of his heart for a minute. His magic knew what he had found, but it was not yet time for him to know.

Instead Harry was thinking he should feel threated by this Alpha male but for some strange reason he wasn't, his instincts were telling him this deadly man wouldn't harm him, it made him feel weird about all this as both his creature sides seemed to purr inside his mind as he took in more of that lovely scent.

Shaking his head in confusion he turned away and made his way outside, he would think on it later, for now he had to see where they were and what type of situation they were in.

Stepped out into the sun's glare, he blinked his eyes so that he was no longer blind from the shear brightness, he had thought it was hot inside the ship from the crash but once he step out into the sun and he was smothered with the heat.

The waste land he had woken in hadn't been this hot, fanning himself with his hand he thought angrily (It's fucking hot. Why does this stuff always happen to me? Really, it's starting to get old.)

Walking other to a woman and what looked like her partner, he stopped next to them.

"Hello, glad to see a few of us made it through the crash." she said, sticking her hand out to shake Harry's.

Shaking her hand he nodded his head to them, he said. "Yes, lady luck was on our side today that's for sure, oh I am Harry Potter by the way."

"Shazza and this is me Zeke." Shazza said nodding her head to the man standing beside her.

"Nice to meet you both, just wish it was under better the circumstances." Harry said, and he meant that, this was turning out to be of shitty day and he had a feeling it was going to get worse before it got better, hearing a noise behind him he turned to see the other survivors had joined them.

The man in the robes along with his child stop beside Harry, if he remembered rightly this man was called Imam.

"We all wish that my son." Imam said to them, before introducing himself,

"I am Abu al-Walid, but you may call me Imam and these are my sons Suleiman, Hassan and young Ali." He said pointing from the oldest to the youngest.

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