Chapter 19

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Eyes wide, Harry barely took in a breath when he did it was stuttered and left him feeling breathless as shock race through him, his mind was going a mile a minute as he tried to understand what he just heard, all this time has passed and there were still wizards and witches in the universe. It was near to hard to believe after he saw how dead earth had become he didn't think for one minute there were any magical people left. He hadn't run into any or felt any magic anywhere so this was a shock to the system.

"Yes. He spoke much of his travels with my father. The clearest thing I can recall was him saying something about his and his kin search for some kind of key or seed that they must find. I sadly in my youth paid it no mind as he was speaking to father and I was too happy to be playing with the puppy he made appear, He never did explain what that was to father thought it quite strange." Imam told looking to Harry to see if those words meant anything to him.

"Key? Seed?. I've no clue what that's all about, never heard anything on that in the years before I fell asleep. But to know my kind still, alive to this day. I can't believe it. I thought they had all die out when I woke to earth being nothing more than a barren world." Harry whispered the last part. The news was hitting him harder than he estimated. To think there were wizards and witches travelling among the stars. It filled him with some hope.

"Why haven't I ever heard about them? Have you Shazza?" Jack asked, turning to Shazza. Braking Harry from his thoughts.

"No. Though there were rumors here and there about beings that could use energy to their will I thought it was all fairy tales told to kids." Shazza answered running a hand through her hair.

"That is because they keep themselves hidden so they not to be used or abused for their gifts. It's only through my father I ever meet such a person." Imam explained.

"So you haven't met a wizard or witch since waking Harry?" Shazza asked him.

"No." Harry shakes his head. "I thought I was the only one left after waking from my sleep on earth. It was dead of any magic or life. I thought they all died off. If it wasn't for Maz and his crew I wouldn't have gotten off the planet."

Imam and Shazza both looked at him in sympathy, they both knew earth had been abandoned for centuries. Only salvage crews visited the planet that once held so much life for relics and old tech to sell.

Fry, on the other hand, couldn't believe that they were all fine with the bastard being more of a freak than before. A bloody wizard of all things. Didn't they know things like energy users were meant to be feared, everyone she had met had been taken down quickly, they were too dangerous to be left walking around free, and if wizards were real they should be more concerned, not making bloody friends with the freak. From what she had seen in the past they could make you do whatever they commanded with a wave of a stick.

"What the hell! If he's a wizard wouldn't the others be alive and at the skiff instead out here in this hell hole with these things waiting to eat us." She shouted making them all jump at the sheer volume of her voice.

Gritting his teeth, Harry stored the information Imam had given him, for now, to go over later, hopefully, asking him more on it than. He so wanted to talk more with the man but he had a bitch from hell to deal with first. It was time to put her in her rightful places in this group. the bottom.

"Get this through that fucking tiny mind of yours, Fry," Harry growled taking a step towards her. With each word, he took a step towards her until he was right in her face. "I. am. Not. GOD!"

"Do you think for a minute that we would still be on this stupid planet if I had the power to get us off of it! Have you been listening at all to anything I've said in the last few hours or are you to thick! My magic isn't working as it should be! GOT THAT! Now shut that piehole you call a mouth and leave me alone you crazy ass bitch before I ripe your bloody head off!" Harry hissed like a snake in her face. Eyes flashing red and fangs visible. He saw the real pure fear in her eyes as they stared wide-eyed at him, she was scared shitless of him and he didn't care one bit. She pushed him to far this time and he wasn't putting up with her bull shit anymore, not when they still had the canyon to get through. He was inches away from ripping her apart and she knew that.

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