Chapter 23

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The tension around them was so thick it made it hard to breathe for one Carolyn Fry who was finding it hard to keep from screaming at what she was seeing. All her plans and hope were going down the drain because of one being that should be dead. He stood before them like a vengeful god and it sent fear like nothing she had ever felt before racing through her.

His appearance was downright frighting, he looked like something that walked out of her nightmares, his once pale skin was covered in scratches and bruise, there could be more but wet mud hide much of it, his chest dirty and bound in stained cloth though the bloody rages did little to hide the gashes and wounds that were spread over his body. He looked so injured he shouldn't be standing but that did nothing to weaken his fearful appearance, it added more to him being an unholy being, a demon sent to take her soul for everything she had done.

Harry felt all the pain he had been pushing away fade, his bloodlust rising to the surface as his pray stood before him at last. Reaching up he pushed his wet hair from his face, blood-stained droplets falling down his body as it flicked over his shoulder, he wanted his view clear for what was about to happen. He made sure to not break eye contact with the bitch, he had wanted so badly to look at Riddick but what he had witnessed before showing himself has left him a little pissed. He will wait to see what his mate had to say about offering her a place on the skiff before passing judgment but for now, his full attention was on the very scared woman in front of him. The rain stung his open wound but he paid it no mind, it did its job of clearing some of the blood and mud from him when he had followed the bitch here. And what was a little blood to the pain and anger of nearly dying again.

Oh, he was going to enjoy this, even now the fear was thickening around them like rich fine wine. It sent shivers of pleasure down his spine, it was time to let his dark side out to play, something he didn't think he would ever do again after the last time but this bitch just brought out the worst in him. His fingers flexed as his bloodlust grew inside him, her fear made it worse for him to control himself but he put a tighter hold on his creature sides, there was no way he was going to end her quickly let alone drink from this cow.

Fry gulped the lump in her throat, her mind was trying hard to come up with some explanation as to how this monster was standing in front of her, it was like her nightmare came to life before her. 'How I saw him taken away, how could he be back. This couldn't be real.' there was a good reason she was freaking out as she could remember making eye contact with him, smirking and looking smug as the creature came towards him from above, remember the cry he gave as it took a hold of his neck and drag him away. 'This isn't possible.' Her terrified mind screamed she was scared out of her wit.

Holding his body still as his emotions went haywire inside, Riddick couldn't take his eyes off Harry. He truly believed he had lost him forever, but here he was standing. His sliver gaze drank in his very detail of his very much alive mate, hurt but still as beautiful as the first time he set eyes on him, he was more wild and untameable now like a storm waiting to be unleashed from its flesh-covered cage.

Ice that had covered his heart for the last few hours began to creak and melt, the pain he had felt before began to fade and ease the more he took in the sight of his mate. He would like nothing more than to shove his blade into the bitch and take Harry into his arms and reclaim what was his right there on the mud-covered ground. Sadly that will have to wait, he could see how injured his mate was and it was pissing him right off that some creature had hurt what was his. Looking at Harry's face he could see the anger and rage burning in those eyes and he knew he had some explaining to do once the bitch was out the way. From where Harry stood seeing him offer her his hand would off pissed him right off, not that he could blame him he would have been the same if he saw Harry doing the same to old Billy boy Johns. Seeing those eyes flash red towards Fry had his senses on high alert, Harry was more than just anger with the woman he was enrage, it set even him on edge with home much 'killing intent' he was giving off, there was something he was missing, out of the corner of his eye he watched how Fry was acting, she looked downright terrified of his mate and there had to be a reason for that. He didn't have long to found out what.

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