Chapter 9

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As Jack and Ali made their way out of the room, Harry sighed and leaned back on his makeshift bed. From speaking to them, he had found out that the group was planning on going to the settlement and using that as a home base instead of the crashed ship.

He could understand that it was the best option open to them what with the ship wreck having nothing to help them stay alive or protect them if those creatures come out of their hidey hole. It was best to move to the settlement. ~Also I could have more time getting to know Riddick.~ Harry thought with a smirk.

Taking his mind off that subject before he got real problems, Harry turned his thoughts to what Jack had told him. He had said that Imam had found some kind of machine that could give them water and Fry was going on about taking a cell from the crashed ship with them to see if the skiff was flyable.

He had to hold in his rage when Jack mentioned her name. He didn't want to scare the kids, but that Bitch would get what was coming to her sooner or later. He knew she wanted him gone, that was clear to see when she sent him down the hole, but the bitch didn't want to get her hands dirty with the deed. It reminded Harry of someone from his past, a certain Headmaster, Harry would make sure she ended up the same way he did, 6 feet under.

His creature sides seemed to purr at that thought and they got even louder when the images of her dead body ran through his mind. Normally, Harry wouldn't hate someone so much, but the bitch rubbed him the wrong way and had done nothing in trying to make up for what she tried to do during the crash.

So deep in thought, Harry didn't hear the footsteps heading his way nor did he notice someone calling his name until they were right beside him.

"Harry?" Turning he saw Shazza standing across from him, watching him in concern.

"Sorry?" Harry said, clearing his mind of Fry's bloody form.

"Are you ok? I have been calling you name for a few minutes now." Shazza said, kneeling beside him.

"Yeah, sorry about that, deep in thought." Harry explained, before asking her. "So what was it you needed?"

Shazza looked down at the ground at first, Harry could see she was upset and from her scent he could pick up the deep guilt she was feeling, why she felt guilt, Harry didn't know but he was about to find out.

"I am sorry Harry, it is my fault you have ended up so hurt." She whispered, her hands clenched together as she thought of him nearly losing his life.

"Why are you sorry, Shazza, it wasn't you that wanted me to go down there in the first place." Harry said placing a hand over hers.

"I just wanted to know what happened to my Zeke so much that I didn't think there was something down there that took him." Shazza said, it was clear to hear how upset the woman was.

"Shazza," Harry said calmly. "It's not your fault. Me getting hurt was a shock yeah, but I am alive and now we know that there is danger under us."

She nodded her head, before looking up at him, his deep green eyes seem to calm something inside her, and slowly the guilt left, but there was still something she had to say.

"Thank you Harry, for finding out what happened to Zeke and making me stop blaming someone that had nothing to do with his death." She got out. The shock from earlier had faded and now she was scared and uncertain on what she is going to do but she had to thank Harry for finding out the fate of her Zeke.

She would deal with the pain later, when they were off this planet and safe.

Harry looked at her curiously, he hadn't told her what had happened to Zeke yet, so how did she know.

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