Chapter 5

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 (Harry's Thoughts)

~Riddick's thoughts~


Chapter 5

They walked for some time. Harry alongside Ali, who was holding his hand still, the little boy hadn't let go and didn't look like he was going to anytime soon. Not that Harry minded all that much he was quiet taken with the boy.

On his other side he had Imam with his other boys and Fry in the front with Johns leading. Though Harry knew it was Johns leading the way and not her, not that he minded so much. He didn't know why he hated her so much yes she tired to kill him but many other had tried the same and he didn't hate them as much as he does her, maybe it was something about her that reminded him of someone from his passed that he had forgotten.

He didn't know but her scent alone set of his creature sides into 'want to kill' mode, he would have to watch that out here, with so few of them he knew that at some point he was going to have to talk to her. Just not at this moment.

Feeling a squeeze on his hand he looked down at Ail and saw he looked concerned, smiling he squeeze his hand back and turned to the front. He had to watch himself, he didn't need to lose control with children around and both his creature side seem to agrees as they calmed down, he didn't know what it was about the kid, but he drew Harry to him.

(Maybe it's because I've always had a soft spot for little ones, and always wanted a big family of my own.) Harry though a bit sadly. He knew without his mate that would be an impossible dream. Feeling another squeeze on his hand, he smiled. He may not be able to have any children now or ever but he will always look after any that were near him.

Harry let his sad thoughts go as he helps the boy stay steady as they walked over the rocky ground, behind him he could hear Imam's chanting.

All of a sudden Harry got the feeling of being watched, looking around he frowned as he couldn't see anything on the hills that surrounded them, he didn't think it was Johns' best idea to walk in between two hills. Looking over to said man he saw that he hadn't been the only one to feel like they were being watched as Johns shot his hand up stopping them all in their tracks.

"Quiet!" Johns shouted back, shushing thing at the same time. Then he stood still, head cocked as if listening.

Everyone watched him, Harry even tried to use his magic senses to feel outwards, but for some reason they were not responding to him. Every time he tried to sense something, all he got was a sleepiness of this dead planet. Like something was lying in wait and he didn't want to be around when it did wake up.

Slowly the feeling of being watched left him as he tired to make head or tails over what was going on.

Shaking his head to clear it, suddenly Harry's head shoot up when small stones rolled down the hill besides Johns, Johns having heard this also, took out his big gun and ran up the hill, leaving the others to watch him leave them.

Taking a deep breath Harry catch Riddick scent, the man had been watching them though the scent was now fading in the breeze. Meaning he had already left.

(He is bloody fast for a man.) Harry thought, shouting behind him drew his attention and he noticed that Ali had let his hand go some time ago. He looked to see Ali and his older brothers were throwing stones up the hill.

Imam came to stop beside him with Fry beside him. Far enough that which made Harry happy as her scent of guilt was giving him a headache. Turning to him Harry cocked brow in question to Imam.

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