Chapter 22

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Inside the dark canyon, a glowing blue light rushed through, panting for breath, Fry ran for her life. She knew that there was only so much time before Riddick left her behind on this godforsaken planet. Not that she blames him after all what did he owe her or any of them but she hoped that once she was there he would see what she had to offer him, after all, she was a top pilot and had brains to keep up with him.

Wiping the water from her blurry eyes, Fry raced through the darkness her eyes darting around her to make sure there was nothing near that was going to try and eat her. Her mind went back to Riddick, the man had been on her mind since seeing him tied to that post, his muscle strained back showing off those arms that she wanted around her so much that it hurt. The closet she had gotten to touching him was back in the cargo hold when he showed her his sliver eyes, they were so beautiful they seem to look right into her soul and take it captive. If she hadn't been so nervous she could have taken her chance and kissed him, maybe then he wouldn't have been spelled to look only at the freak.

Turning another corner she stopped and regarded dark canyon carefully, looking over the foreboding cliff sides that loomed above her with dread. Every sound sending her blood pumping faster throughout her veins.

"Growl..." Came from behind her, the sound making her shoot forward, not looking behind to see what made the sound. She pushed her tied body onwards, even more, holding the bottle higher up to protect her from whatever that was. But after so many hours awake with barely any water and no food her speed was flagging, she was only really being fuelled by her fear and excitement to see the Skiff.

Fry had never gone through anything like this before. Her mind turned from the danger she was into her childhood, her broken mind clinging to anything that had meany safety to her and that time had been so. She enjoyed growing up in a well off family, there had been no hardships, no danger, and no freaks. Her father earned a lot to support them and their lifestyle, having treats and presents when she asked for them. Her mother and father could never say no to her and why should they have, she was their only girl after all. She knew her mother had been happy to have a girl after six boys. Growing up with that many older siblings she had made sure to have them all around her little fingers. Her brothers had doted on her just as much as her mother and father, she could do no wrong in their eyes.

When she set her mind on being a captain, they had paid her way into pilot academy, but it fell apart at the last test, she had passed everything and made sure to get the best grades, no matter who she had to pay off for them. Then came that loser of a psychiatrist had to come along and ruing everything for her. He told the heads that she was a loose cannon, that she cared for no one but herself and she hurt anyone that got in her way of reaching the top, well that was her dream of being a captain going down in smoke. She tried everything to get them to change their minds but nothing worked. They said she had to start as a pilot for at least two years before resitting the Captain exam and nothing she or her family said to change the company heads minds.

So she did her time making sure they knew how great a pilot she was, she planned everything down to the letter, no trouble no complaining. Showing up that fake psychiatrist to be a liar and that the company had missed out from the start on a great captain.

But this happened, crashing onto a hell hole of a planet, she had done what she took but there was no way she could land that ship without losing some of the passengers, it wasn't her fault after all. Like it wasn't her fault that she was going to be the only survivor to make it off this planet, alongside Riddick of course but they would have to change his name, Riddick's name will have to die on this planet but Richard was a better name anyway. 'Rickard Fry sounds even better.'She thought, grinning with a crazed glint in her eyes. She will tell them how she did everything in her power to save the passengers but with the crash taking out most of them and then the monsters eating the others. There was nothing she could have done to save them.

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