Chapter 24

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At the edge of the light, Harry found himself pulled back into Riddick's grip. Lips pressed and parted in what they hoped wasn't their last kiss. Passionate lit like a roaring flame in them both. It was so hot and heavy that it left Harry weak at the knees and wishing more than anything they were off this planet and alone to enjoy their reunion to the fullest. Parting, both panted for breath, their eyes showing nothing but want and need, with a last look of promise. They turned and headed into the darkness.

Having taken his goggles down to rest on his chest, Riddick leads them through the darkness, where death waited around every corner. On high alert Riddick reached back and garbed Harry's hand, holding it firmly in his. He wasn't losing his mate to this planet again.

As they made their way through the buildings of the settlement Riddick's thoughts flashed to their last kiss, he hadn't planned on kissing Harry again but he had needed to feel his mate lips one more time before they did this. Coming out of the settlement Riddick got into the zone, became once more, the biggest bad out there.

Harry followed closely behind Riddick, knowing his mate knew where they needed to go and Harry kept the glowing bottle on his back so he didn't blind his mate. He thought about using his night sight again but trusted Riddick to lead him. Truthful he couldn't remember where he had first seen Fry. To blinded by his rage and hate to care.

Their feet splashed across the muddy ground as they moved quickly towards the canyon, the heavy rain was making it difficult to see but that didn't stop them. Stopping at the top of the hill, Riddick let go of Harry's hand and looked down the muddy slope.

"Go, it's clear," Riddick said once he checked every inch of the slope. He wasn't letting a single monster near his injured mate.

Nodding Harry sat down and pushed himself over the edge, the water lodged ground was easy to slide down and he couldn't help smiling at the makeshift slide, enjoying himself for the first time since this eclipse happened, even if it covered his backside in the mud. Coming to a stop at the bottom Harry got up quickly, using the rainwater to wash the mud from his hand. Looking behind him, he smiled as he saw Riddick sliding down like a surfer.

When he came to a stop beside Harry, raising a brow in question at Harry's smile. Harry just shakes his head. "Show off."

Giving him a smirk, Riddick reached out and took Harry's hand again and pulled him into the canyon. Harry glanced back at the high hill, he hoped the rain stopped soon, coming down may have been fun but going back up was going to be a problem. What with one of them being injured and the others tired from when they had been through.

When the creatures started appearing again, Riddick made sure to keep Harry close to his side as they moved down the path. He was happy that it was only a few coming out from the top of the canyon. The light from the bottle keeping them at bay but he knew sooner or later hunger would get the best of them.

He was proven correct halfway into their journey, one of the braver bastards came to close to Harry's left side, Riddick span Harry around, switching places with him, letting him go Riddick pulled out his shiv and swiftly ended it with a swing to the gut, slicing its belly from top to tail.

As it screeched and withered on the ground Riddick grabbed Harry's hand again and hauled him quickly away. Listening to the creature's kin finishing it off. 'Nothing is getting close to my injured mate.' Riddick thought as he slit the throat of another creature, kicking its twitching body away and into the hungry jaws waiting in the shadows. He knew that any of the creatures that survived his attack were soon taken out by their own kind, hunger drove everything on this planet to feed on any weak or injured. Only the strong survive.

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