Chapter 17

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Johns stumbled back at the hash blow to the face grunt with pain, shaking his head. As Johns tried to get his bearings Riddick didn't let up his attack. He shot forward and uppercut the flare from the merc's hand and knocking it far enough away its glare no longer blinded his eyes. The green flare hit a bone wall and came to rest on the dirt ground, its glow allowing Johns enough light to see and keep the creatures at bare, for now

Riddick attacked again, slamming his fist into Johns face, the blow was strong and it caused Johns to spin and blood and spit to fly out of his mouth.

As he span it gave Riddick the chance to twist his body to get behind the man and grab for the gauge. Pulling it out of its holder he lifted it up to end the bastard when Johns recovered enough to quickly grab the barrel and point it away from him. As they wrestled each other for control it fired into the darkness causing screeches of pain to be heard as some creatures were hit. Their cries soon stopped as their kin were quick to end its suffering.

While they fought over the gun Riddick kept some of his attention on his mate, he could hear others yell in surprise and fear before Harry took charge and lead them away from the danger. The tension in his body faded now he knew he didn't have to worry about his mate, instead he can have his full attention on Johns.

The gun fired again and again as they grappled for control. The cries of the creatures grew in volume as they feasted on their fallen kin. Neither man cared as they fought for their lives. Twisting his arm to lock with Riddick and trap the gun, Johns quickly used his freed one and slammed it down onto the outside of Riddick's elbow repeatedly. He used all his strength into each hit until finally Riddick's elbow dislocates, breaking the arm lock.

Riddick sneered and held his roar of pain as he lost his grip on the shotgun he quickly acted before Johns had control over it, his leg shot up and kicked Johns' knee making him fall onto the other. Taking the gun he throws it far from them. It hit the ground and skidded further into the darkness, barely visible anymore. Johns got to his feet but Riddick delivers a powerful blow to Johns' face and the bounty hunter went stumbling away with a grunt of pain.

He barely manged to stop his momentum into an outcrop of bone spears, his eyes widen in fear as he realized how close he came to becoming implied on those bones.

Using the distraction, Riddick pushed his elbow back into place, pain shot through his arm but he barely let out a grunt. He knew it wasn't broken and wouldn't hinder him. It hurt but nothing showed on his face as he watched Johns scramble to his feet. He reached up and grabbed his harness as they faced each other.

The two men slowly began to circle each other. Nether making a move forwards yet. Both knew this was their finally death match and both planned to come out the winner.

Predator vs predator.

Now it was time to see who the bigger predator.

Taking his harness of Riddick moved it to his other hand, ready for use. His sliver eyes never left Johns' form, watching the nervous man becoming more nervous and afraid by the minute.

Suddenly one of the creatures darted close spooking Johns as it got to close before the flare light drove it off again. He shot a quick look behind him, his fear spiking sharply as he moved to face Riddick again. He knew it was never a good idea to take your eyes off Big Bad.

Riddick circled until he had the flares light on his back, with it no longer in his view he could see Johns clearly and slowly he drew his shiv letting the light shine off it deadly blade. Now he had two weapons the harness and shiv.

Johns panicked, he forgotten Riddick had that shiv he reached quickly down and grab his own knife. It was much smaller and wasn't going to be much help against that shiv but at a time like this anything was better than being empty handed against Big Bad.

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