Chapter 18

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After all the drama was said and done. They made their way back. all of them could hear the creatures but with the light, they kept their distance from them thankfully. Fortunately, they hadn't run far from where they left the sled and with Riddick leading them it was taking less time to make their way back.

Not much was said between the survivors. Trailing through the darkness with their dim lights, most occurred in their own thoughts on the adverts that had taken place. Even though Johns wouldn't be missed by anyone of them it was the hard truth that some of them may end up as he did. A meal for the creatures.

Glancing towards his mate, Harry was glad Riddick was taking the lead from now on. Fry was in no way right for the job of protecting the group or leading them now or ever again. Plus only his Hunter even had a clue on where they are. Everything looked the same to them all, even he couldn't tell where they were.

He ignored the glare Fry was burning into the back of his head from the back of the group. He was too on edge to deal with her shit right now. He only hoped with Johns gone she'd soon follow him. Though he wanted to be the one to end her for fucking good. Harry let out a silent snort, he never used to be this cold about killing someone before but after so many years alone with no family around he just stop caring for those that he didn't know. He learned he couldn't protect everyone and that had been a hard lesson to accept. no more would he risked everything for those that just didn't want the help and in this group, there was only one he wouldn't piss on if she was on fire.

What his dad and papa would think of his coldness to killing people now but he knew that they would have ended her already for what she had done he liked to think.

The closer they got to where they left the cells the louder the screeches of the creatures grew. It sounded like a feeding frenzy with the creatures fighting and screeching at each other, it set the group even more on edge as they knew what those things were fighting over.

Their steps became quicker and soon they were by the sled. Everybody worked as fast as they could in grabbing every light from it.

"Take everything, were leaving the sled at the canyon. No point dragging it anymore." Riddick ordered as he, Imam and Suleiman moved to the cells. while Riddick seized two for himself. Imam and Suleiman pulled the last two collectively.

Shazza, Jack and Ali assembled what was left of the bottles and flares from the sled, handing around what little they had let to everyone bar Riddick. Shazza looked to Harry as she strapped a flare onto her belt and saw he was at the edge of their light looking out into the darkness.

He had such a worried expression on his face that it troubled her. making sure the kids were safely by Imam she walking over to him halting by his side.

"Are you alright there Harry?" Shazza asked facing towards him.

"Mm... yeah, just a feeling I've got." Harry hummed. He'd been on edge since they came back. The bad feeling he's got wasn't fading and for the life of him, he couldn't pinpoint why.

"Good feeling I hope. I don't think we could take another bashing right now." Shazza half-joked.

Harry turned to face her smiling to ease her worry. "Don't worry Shazza. We'll get through this hell. I didn't save your ass just so it can be eaten later now did I."

They both looked at each other before bursting into laughter, startling the others. The tension subsided from their hearts.

"Come on. Let's get the hell out of here." Shazza grinned nodded towards the group.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Harry nodded and followed after her. but as he took a step to do so a shriek cause him to hesitate and half turn to look behind them. The grip on his light tightened so much he was at risk of breaking the bottle. Not that he cared, his main focus was on the beast flying just in the shadows wanting the meal that was just out of reach.

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