Chapter 25

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They began to prepare for the last leg of their journey. Harry helped with binding Suleiman's leg tighter and using what water was dripping into the cave to wash as much as the blood away. Harry looked up from what he was doing to Jack who was still staring at Riddick with awe, the girl had been doing that since they came back. Harry paid it no mind as he helped sort who was going where. They are running single-file this time, everyone as close together as possible. The kids and the injure Suleiman need to be protected the most.

Harry gave Shazza his glow-worm bottle, she raised a brow at it and they shared a look but didn't comment on where the last person who had the bottle was. Imam held Suleiman to his side to help him run and move, setting them in the back of the group with the other half bottle protecting them. Jack and Ali were placed in the middle with Shazza in front of them. In front with Riddick, Harry saw they were ready as they were ever going to be. Imam and Shazza nodded to Harry and he turned to Riddick. "Ready."

They were soon ready as they ever are going to be, it was time to move out.

"See you on the other side Vixen," Riddick said. Looking him deep in the eye. This was it the last leg of their journey and anything can go wrong, he just had to trust it wouldn't, not this time.

"You can count on it, Hunter. Let's go." Harry smirked blood rushing through his veins. With that they followed Riddick into the darkness, racing through the canyon, they moved swiftly as their feet could carry them, the rain blinded a little but it did not stop their motion as the creatures cry in the night urging them on faster.

Riddick slowed, spotting something ahead of them he didn't like the look of. He held his hand out making the others stop behind him. Looking around with a frown he quickly jerked his hand for the to follow and lead them to the side of the cliff, their sides against it as they waited for Riddick's orders.

Harry had no idea what Riddick was seeing out there but from the sounds of it, the creatures were fighting over something.

Frowning deeply, Riddick saw only one way through the monsters and that was right down the centre of the pack. Reaching back he grabbed Harry s hand, tightly intertwined their fingers. Harry did the same and reached back for Shazza's hand. They did the same down the line. Shazza to Jack, Jack to Ali and little Ali to Imam.

Imam passed his touch to Suleiman to hold so he had better gripe on him. Shazza has moved her bottle on to her belt, hoping it still gives them enough light because she wasn't letting either of Harry or Jack's hands go.

They waited.

Riddick watched closely for a break in the pack, when two creatures that had been headbutting each other backed away leaving a gap Riddick took his chance and shoot forwards, pulling the others right behind him.

The creatures shoot back with a screech of pain as the light burned them, confused to where it was coming from.

Fear nipped at the group's heels as adrenaline pumping through their bodies, they rushed even faster towards the hardest part of their journey that was coming up, the steep hill of mud.

Letting go of Harry's hand Riddick pushed him and the group in front of him keeping his eyes on behind them. Shazza used her hold on Jack and Ali too dragged behind her, helping them crawl up the muddy slope.

"Don't stop! Keep going." Imam called to them when Ali looked back, he was quickly pulled forward by Shazza as Imam helped Suleiman up.

"Come on. Move!" Riddick shouted, giving Imam a shove as the man struggled with his son. "You know the way!"

Harry's head shoots back from his place in the middle of the slope. "Riddick!"

"Go! Show them the way to the Skiff!" He ordered.

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