Chapter 16

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Walking over the hard stony gravel Riddick made his way to the edge of the light that casted a soft glow over the bleached white bones of the giant creatures that had fallen years ago. The boneyard once bathed in light now shrouded in shadows. He could hear the smaller hatchlings crawling through the bones, places to hide till their mothers returned for them. safe from the hungry males. He more time they spent on this planet the more he came to understand their ways. After all, animals understand animals.

The route they'd be taking through the bones was not without its risks. They were going to have to be on their guard if they didn't want to be taken by surprise. The creatures can hid behind the larger bone walls, well away from their light and if one of the others got to close they'd be nabbed and dragged into the darkness.

Hearing a screech in the distance he glanced over to see two creatures fighting and rolling down a hill. If he was right that was the same hill the the others had travelled over when they looked for him. The large boneyard was half circled by large sandy hills and they had cut through with the sand cat over the only parts that were flat. He had made the right decision to bring them this way instead of the other. Taking those cells up steep sandy hills would've been stupid as hell.

He may be taking them the longer route but less hassle overall. 'Taking the girl over that would have gotten a lot of them killed and I'm not putting my Vixen at risk. Not for them.' Glancing over his shoulder his eyes fell on his mate. The dazed expression he had left him with gone and now he looked more composed. He stood by the group and was getting them together after their latest bombshell. That was one of the main reasons he didn't like working around citizens. They couldn't handle big surprise like betrayal or violence.

Gracing at the only two adults he could tolerate. Riddick took in their tense forms as they busied themselves. Imam and Shazza were holding up better than he had expected. One had lost a mate and not a few hours ago one had lost a child to the darkness. This hellhole planet didn't care who it took as long as it broke you. But theses to were holding up better than a merc and pilot were, those two were already showing the cracks in their skin for all to see and any trust the group and built on them was gone like ash in the wind.

Riddick flicked his eyes over his mate, he trusted the Holy man and woman to stick by him though what was to come. Imam with his two remaining boys and Shazza taken Jack under her wing will follow his mate to the end.

Looking over at Jack he saw her looking at him before looking away when Shazza caught her attention. It's a good thing two as the kid had showing a little bit too much interest in him and he didn't deal with kids.

His Harry had chosen correctly in putting his trust in those two. Both had back bones it seemed and would do anything to keep the kids safe, even giving up their own lives to do so. He could see it in their eyes. He had to admire that.

Flicking his eyes over his mates figure again he saw him bend over to pick his bag off the ground. His thoughts instantly shifted to a more sinful direction, he couldn't help it really Harry was a mix of sexy and deathly, a perfect mate wrap up in one hot package and all for him. He could still feel his Vixen's firm tight backside in his hands and hear those lustful moans that just beg him to claim that sweet body all over again.

He loved the sexy sounds that his mate tried to hold in just now. He had tried so hard to keep silent and the more he tried the more Riddick wanted to free them. He loved it when his mate fell apart with pleasure by his hands and his alone.

It was amusing to play with his Vixen he just wished he had more time to take his time and for them both to enjoy. He wanted to send a whole day just exploring that beautiful body and finding all the sweet spots. 'But I will soon enough.' Riddick thought holding in the smirk that wanted to appear across his face. He didn't want anyone knowing his thoughts weren't on getting them through the darkness.

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