Chapter 4

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(Harry's Thoughts)

~Riddick's thoughts~


Chapter 4

Stepping out onto the hot ground Harry moved away from the ship and headed towards the others. He could feel Johns' eyes following him from behind, staring below his belt, it was something he had to put up with while they were trap on this Merlin forsaken planet. but that didn't mean Harry wouldn't scare the crap out of him if he tried something.

Stopping beside Shazza and Zeke he heard what they were planning.

"That's the cargo hold over there, we should see if there is anything useful inside, food, water, that type of thing." Shazza said pointing to the slightly buried part of the ship; it was the only part that was still intake from the crash.

"Good, hopeful all is well with my bags." Paris said before walking off.

(Hopeful my bag is in there or I will have to wait for it to appear on its own.) Harry thought as he and the others walked towards the cargo hold.

When they got closer they saw that the cargo hold was upside down, thankfully there was a mount of sand to the door making it easier to get to.

Zeke and Johns had to forces the door open as the switch that opened it was broken, not a surprise really with how banged up the hold was, once inside, they all made there way towards one of the holds, Paris leading the way muttering to himself.

Once inside Harry moved off to the side looking for his bag, he knew it was placed in here as Owens had shown him, the man had been a big flirt and it sadden Harry to know he had died like he had.

Behind him he could hear the others talking as they looked over the cargo.

"The whole container's upside down. It's all topsy-turvy," Paris said unhappy with the state of the place, but his mood soon lifted as he found what he had been looking for, taking a key out of his pocket. He unlocked a chain that was wrapped around an ancient looking sarcophagus of all thing.

This did make Harry curious as to why he had such a thing, it may look real but even he could tell it was fake, after all his friend had work in tombs and show him that they had been made out of gold, that one looked to be made from metal.

"Thank goodness it's not a total loss." He opened it, revealing a great amount of bottles of alcohol. Harry winced at the thought of drinking cheap alcohol as he watched, he may need to still eat and drink like a human thanks to his elf side but it was pushing it for him to drink cheap booze, he had been spoilt by Coddy getting him the finest fire whiskey, after that there was no turning back.

Shaking his head to get rid of those silly thoughts he turned back to his search, pushing and pulling bags out of the way as he looked through the bags that were piled around, he could hear others looking for their bags though from the cursing Zeke was saying some of them were having much like, seeing a gold and silver shimmer of light for a second out the corner of his eyes, drew his attention to another pile next to the one he was looking through and there he saw his bag lying innocently beside some other bags.

(I love magic.) Harry thought smiling as he went over to it and picking it up, it still looked good as new, the magic waived into the bag protected it in the crash.

Placing it over his shoulder he retreated to the door way with his bag in hand, there he could see Imam and his sons watching the others.

"I don't suppose this will help you at all," Fry said, looking at the doorway above her to Imam, the others turning to watch to see what she was going on about.

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