Chapter 10

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Time change

Walking into the room the others were resting in, Riddick walked over to the table and grabbed one of the cups of water that Imam had set out. He downed it at once, it was stale and a bit gritty but after so long without drinking anything it was heaven.

They all finally had water to drink, after so long on only booze. The booze from earlier had only made him thirstier, he knew it would but anything to wet his throat was good at that point, plus it had turned his little Vixen on. Placing the cup down Riddick reached for another, when Johns stopped him.

"Here." Johns said pushing one of the cups towards him, Riddick gave him a long look before grabbing it, Johns turned from him grabbed the one he had been reaching for and walked away from him.

Moving towards a doorway, he looked down to look into the cup and smirked. It was just like Johns to give him the left over cup, with dirt and sediment inside it, Riddick wasn't surprised by the cop giving him this.

~Bastard, thinks I don't know what he is doing, like this will make me sick and weak to him. I haven't lasted this cause of clear water.~ he thought, smirking, though he wasn't going to drink it, he wasn't stupid after all.

"All praises be to Allah, for his many blessings to us." Imam toasted his glass of water to the others, before taking a sip.

Jack entered the room with his new look and grabbed a glass and everyone gave him look. Johns even leaned forward from where he was sitting to get a better look.

"What?" Jack asked, seeing the look the others were giving him.

Paris who was standing next to the boy, nodded his head in his direction, and jokily said, "It's the winner of the lookalike contest."

Riddick had to hold in another chuckle at the kid trying to look like him, he didn't know if he should be insulted or complimented that a kid wanted to be like him, a convicted murder and a man that's more animal than human.

~Not that my Vixen minds.~ Riddick thought, his mind going to what nearly happened back at the ship. Next time, he wouldn't stop because of someone coming their way.

He had been so close to taking his Vixen then, it wasn't even funny that he got cocked blocked by kids. The moment they got some time alone he was going to finish what he started that was for fucking sure.

"Who were these people, anyway? Miners?" Paris asked them curiously.

"No, looks like geologists. You know, advance team; moves from rock to rock," Shazza explained to him. She had seen some of the same equipment on different planets. Though some of the stuff here was out-dated.

"Nice of them to leave so much stuff here for us but why'd they leave their ship?" Fry asked as she looked to Johns then back to Shazza. Something about this settlement unsettled her, it was like a ghost town.

As they were talking, Riddick was the only one to notice Imam leaving the room with a concerned frown on his face. ~Most likely to look for his son, speaking of looking for the missing, where has Harry gone off to?~

Riddick thought of his little Vixen as he tipped the shitty water away. He would get some more later, the first cup had helped quench his thirst for now and he had suffered dehydration before and knew his limits.

Crossing his arms and leaning against doorframe, his mind went back to his mate. The way Harry moved was like a graceful cat or cunning fox out hunting for game, stealthy, silent and deadly to any that thought he was a weak target.

What still shocked Riddick was that he could see Harry in colour, which he was happy about. Whenever he stared into those precious emeralds that had so much life in them, knowing his mate was a part vampire, excited him, he had heard of those beings of the night, how strong and deadly they had been before being wiped when a sun imploded

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