Chapter 6

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Looking over the ship Harry was slightly worried. It looked like it had been sitting there for years, dust and sand was all that they found inside and Harry found it strange that the hatch of the ship was down.

He watched as Fry made her way inside and started to play around with whatever was in there. Harry didn't have a clue on how to work a ship, he couldn't learn when he was with Maz and his crew, not after telling them he had crashed on the planet.

(Something I need to learn. I can't rely on others to take me from planet to planet, plus it could be fun flying my own ship.) Harry thought, a small smile making it way onto his face. He did miss flying, it was the one thing that would lift his mood and make him feel so much freedom for a short time.

"We should be head back, there no juice in this baby but if I can get one of the ship power cells I can see if everything is up and running." Fry said to them as she walked out of the ship.

"We need tools to get the water flowing." Imam explained. He had tried to get the old machine working, but without the right tools there was nothing he could do. He was just thankful to Harry for the bottles of water, as all his family had drunk from them now.

"Alright, we're going to start to head back, get what we need and bring it back here." Johns said.

"Let's go then shall we." Harry said before taking Ali's hand and walking back the way they came.

He could hear the others following and not long after, Johns started walking beside him. The guy put him on edge. There was something not right about him and it made Harry wary but he couldn't let on for now, as it looked like others had already spotted his hatred from Fry.

It was quiet for most of the trip back, it was easier too as they had land marks this time to make their way back to the ship, the canyon and then the graveyard.

They were just coming out of it when Johns suddenly started talking to him.

"So why did you want to come on this little trip." John asked him, "I can understand the holy man and even the Captain but I don't see why you wanted to get away."

"The scent of blood was getting to me." Harry halt-lied, "plus I was no use back at the ship. Here at least I am another pair of eyes."

"Blood? I didn't smell any of that." Johns said. He was confused by this guy, he had beauty that most women and some males would kill for but Johns couldn't help feeling there was more to this pretty face.

"I've always had a good nose," Harry joked, he may not like this man but for now he would play nice.

"What'd you do before all this." Johns asked.

"Travelled mostly, I don't like sticking to one spot for too long." Harry said, another half-lie as he had only been on Mac's ship, but Johns didn't need to know that.

"I can tell you some places to head to," Johns flirted.

But before Harry could answer there were gun shots in the air and screaming. Johns shot forward and the others followed behind, Harry couldn't go to fast as Ali was clinging to his hand in fear.

Harry fell behind the others as little Ali was getting tired and starting to slow, hearing yelling up ahead and what sounded like fighting, Harry was quick in picking the boy up and rushing towards the others.

He had just tired around a corner to see Shazza going mad shouting about killing him, and being held back by Fry of all people.

(Oh my Merlin, Riddick.) Harry thought in shock as he saw the man lying on the ground in pain, just as he was about to step towards him, Shazza got free enough to send a swift kick to Riddick's head knocking him unconscious.

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