Chapter 20

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Cries of anguish carried across the echoing canyon, the group was in shock one minute Harry had been standing there the next he was taken, it happened so quickly no one had time to grab him, only watch on helplessly as he was dragged away.

By the cliff wall, left on his knees, Riddick's was in shock, everything felt numb. The very air was like thick fog around him his mind as his heart stopped beating inside his chest. His silver eyes remained glued toward the cliff edge where Harry had disappeared over as he keeled on the rocky ground in front of it, his bruised hands throbbed in pain he didn't feel any of it.

His mind played every image of his mate, Harry had become one of the closest souls to him since childhood, he had opened the door to his heart and made himself at home in its center. The first god damn thing that had been good in his life was taken away from him just like everything else.

Riddick's pain was overwhelming he couldn't think of anything else, he didn't hear the others screaming his Vixen's name, calling out into the darkness for him to come back, the sobbing of Ali or the tears falling from the eyes of Shazza and Jack. None of it registered to him, not the cries, not the rain, not even the creatures that screeched their hunger.

"HARRY!" Riddick roared out in rage into the night. The beast inside was caught up in its rage and despair at the loss of their mate, they had only just found days ago on this hellish planet after looking for so long. It wanted to kill everything, to destroy the bastards till there was none left on this fucking planet. Their mutilated corpses spread around him, blood staining the earth beneath his feet and their cries of pain feeling the air, that was the only thing that would calm the beast inside. Both man and beast wanted the pain to stop, to no longer feel they're heartbreaking.

The 'what ifs' appeared in his mind's eyes, over and over again, what if he had done what he had wanted from the start, just grabbed Harry as soon as darkness had fallen and made their way to the skiff by themselves, leaving behind the weaklings.

Harry, his captivating heart wouldn't of let him do that, he had been too kind, too compassionate to those that were in need. Who couldn't defend themselves and because of this, it had cost them both.

The image of his mate when he first laid eyes on him appeared before his eyes. He could clearly see those bewitching emerald eyes staring back at him. They always felt like his mate was looking right into his soul and had found him worthy to be his mate. Those deep red lips that had begged to be kissed over and over again, they had smiled so much at him it had filled him with joy that had been missing in his life for so long. When they had been in bed together for the first time he had loved running his hand through those silky locks that flowed down like a waterfall down his back, he had never met someone with such dark hair, it had reminded him of the Ravens he had seen as a kid, their ink-black wings soaring through the sky when he had spoked them. His nose picked up the hint of Harry's scent that still lingered in the air, the most pleasant scent he had ever come across and it was being washed away by the rain.

He would never get to experience the pleasure and joy his mate brought into his life, his heart and love were gone. His world of colour was merely filled with darkness now.

Riddick clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth, trying in vain to burn that lovely image of his mate within his mind, to hold it forever. But it withered to the image of his mate scared face as he was torn away, disappearing into the darkness he couldn't see through. And with that Riddick became the convict he had been before. He stopped feeling, stopped giving a shit about anything but survival.

The creatures screeches grew louder around them.

"Riddick! What do we do!" Jack yelled in fear. Her eyes wide and shiny as she looked at the downed man. All of them were frighted. Bar Fry who hung back from everyone and kept her head down.

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