Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Riddick didn't like this, not one fuckin' bit. He could smell the fear coming from the others, even Harry and that just pissed him even more. His Vixen was strong but those things out there were the top predators of this planet and with this fucked up family anything could and would go wrong at any moment. They'd all better pray nothing hurt what was his or there would be hell to pay.

Riddick wrapped his arm around Harry's waist. He pulled him closer and saw the confused look the other shot him out of the corner of his eye. Riddick's face gave nothing away. He would not let his mate know of the worry that was hidden deep inside.

And it was rare that Riddick ever felt worried about anyone , not since going into his first slam. But Harry was very different to anyone he had ever meet. He was his mate and someone that could finally keep up with him.

Riddick mentally shook his head. This was not the time to be deep in thought as they all waited for Fry to open the cargo hull 's doors. The same one they had not too long ago shut behind them in their rush to reach safety.

If it had been just him and Harry, they would have been back at the skiff already but he knew his mate wouldn't leave the kids, Shazza or Imam behind. Not with the bitch and hypo leading and the wimp wasn't worth mentioning. He wouldn't be around for long, people like him always ran when their fear took over and running was the one thing on this planet that would get you killed.

Hearing the door finally open, Riddick took notice of Fry stepping out the door slowly and holding the cutting touch in front of her for protection.

She looked around carefully before stepping out fully and onto the sand. Seeing and hearing nothing, she looked back and nodded to the others that it was safe to follow.

Imam helped his boys and Jack out of the cargo hull, followed by Shazza and Paris. Shazza quickly moved to Jack's side and grabbed a hold of the boy's arm. It wasn't that long ago that she nearly joined her Zeke in death out here, the prospector took a deep breath. Feeling a hand touch her arm, Shazza turned to see Imam giving her a concerned look and she answered with a small tight lip smile and nodded back to that she was okay.

For now.

Harry watched them from behind Riddick. He knew that Shazza was still in shock from how pale she still was and shouldn't be alone right now. He was happy that Imam was watching out for her because he wouldn't have the time to do it himself.

Not if he wanted to plan a way to conceal some of their scents. He had thought of it back in the cargo hold before leaving. If these creatures didn't have eyes and only used echoes to see, if he could come up with a way to hide their scent it could confuse the beasts long enough for them to be at an advantage if all hell broke loose. But with how low his magic was and having to do such strong magic on Jack he didn't think he would be able to. Not right now.

Sighing he followed Riddick out into the darkness and just as he stepped down he suddenly felt a hand touch his lower back, a touch that was way too close to his bottom.

Moving quickly away from the door, he turned his head slightly and saw Johns coming out of the cargo hull behind him, he hadn't even known the man had been there.

He growled low in his throat. How the man even had the balls to even touch him like that Harry would never know but it was like Johns was suicidal right now. He knew what Harry was now and that Riddick was his mate. You would think that would put any man off touching him.

The raven guessed that Johns simply wasn't thinking with his head. Though who wouldn't at a time like this was insane.

Harry so wanted to turn around and rip the guy's throat out. To watch his blood cover the sandy ground under his feet and hear his panicking cry fill the air.

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