Chapter 7

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Leo P.O.V

I can't believe I'm stuck with these people. Who do they think I am? Einstein? They keep asking me these random questions, and Adam... I prefer not to answer his.

"I'm not Chase, okay?!" I started getting annoyed, "So don't ask me why your bionic chips keep beeping!"
"Fine, but if Adam and I explode, then it's all on you... Literally... It'll all be on you.." Jasmin teased.
"What was that..?" Adam asked holding up a leaf... Don't ask why.
"Adam.. A leaf won't protect you from anything... You know..." I told him.
"Yea... But it can give paper cuts.." He picked up another one. "I don't know why, it seems a bit wrong... Paper cuts.. From leaves.."
"That's because paper gives paper cuts not leaves.." Jasmin tried explaining to him.
"No... That's not it.." He shook his head.
Jasmin tapped her temples, "they should be right...." We kept on walking, "here!" Jasmin and someone else said simultaneously, it's Chase!
"Adam!" Bree exclaimed, giving him a hug and knocking me down to the ground.
"Ow... I'm okay! Thanks for asking..." I rolled my eyes trying to stand up.
"Chase-y! Wow, you're not crying, I expected tears out of a potato like you." Adam mocked.
Chase walked over to him, "I missed you too Adam," and he gave him a big nice kick in the leg.

Wow.. This show keeps on getting better and better. Where's popcorn when you need it?

"Hey! It's not nice when you hurt me, it's just rude.." he rubbed his knee.
"So you're saying that it's okay for you to hurt people, but it's not okay if they hurt you?" Chase asked him.
"Well... When you put it like that.... YES." Adam replied goofily.

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