Chapter 11

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Chase P.O.V

"Okay... This is what we have to do.." I explained everything.... Twice... The second time in a sand map... Because Adam didn't get it the first time... I'm not really sure he gets it now. "But don't go too deep into the jungle.."

In no time, we had two perfect bow and arrows, thanks to my amazing smartness.

"Keep that mirror by the way Leo." I mentioned, standing up with a bow and arrow.
"Good idea.. So we can remember Mr. Davenport," Adam took it out of Leo's hands.
Before I could reply, Jasmin took the words right out of my mouth. "Well... No, we need it so we can make more fires," I just nodded at her comment.

After a while, we caught two salmon fish at once, again, thanks to my amazing smartness.

"That was fast and easy," Adam said, holding one of the salmon with a thick long stick on top of the fire.
"Adam.. Don't put the salmon in the fire, okay?" I reminded him.
"I guess this isn't that bad after all.. I thought it would be so hard being here." Jasmin stared at the sparks, twitching out the fire.
"I guess we're getting the hang of it." Bree smiled.
"Aboslutely.." I smirked at Adam, he's trying to eat a flame.. Typical.. "Do you really think Mr. Davenport will find us?" I asked a bit unsure.
"Positive, Mr. Davenport always does, he's been by our side our whole lives. Remember? He's the one that's been taking care of us when we were younger, he's the one that has trained us for missions. And I guess this is how missions are supposed to go at some point." Adam pointed out.
"Wow.. Adam.. That might have just been the smartest thing you've said in... Forever." Bree mocked.

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