Chapter 34

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I swung out of the elevator, and began running toward my room, nearly falling from missing a step.

"Guys!" I yelled, but they were still asleep, "Adam, Chase.." Nope nothing. I'll just tell them in the morning.

I kept thinking of Jasmin and Luke, so Jasmin really didn't have a mom?

Or maybe Jasmin and Luke are related, but they got adopted by Douglas, or whoever that other lady was... But why isn't Luke bionic?

Or if he was, why wouldn't he know? I'm really sure Luke isn't bionic.. Maybe Luke is evil too!!

Or maybe they didn't get a chance to experiment on Luke to make him bionic.. This is all too much!! I have to stop thinking!

Chase is the nerd with super smarts, so he should be the one thinking! But nooo, he just has to believe Marcus and sleep right now, doesn't he!

And I'm sure Marcus kept us in that kiosk on purpose so we'd lose track of time and stay here longer!
He's preventing us from contacting Mr. Davenport.

Oh that boy is gonna be dead once I get my hands on him.. Or Adam gets his hands on him.

Oh this is getting so much fun.. And mysterious.. And it's all making me so tired!

I wonder what happened between Chase, Bree and Jasmin, why was Bree crying? Did Jasmin or Chase do or say something? It was kinda awkward when Bree just started crying when me had no idea what was going on.

Man, I really wanna finish beating butt in the kiosk.

I let my tiredness take over my thoughts.....

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