Chapter 38

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Bree P.O.V

We all backed away a bit.. But Marcus had already seen us.. So did Krane, Douglas, and Jasmin's so to be called mom..
Speaking of Jasmin.. If we ever do get back to mission creek.. Where will Jasmin and Luke stay.. They don't have a family.. A safe roof to live under.. I had a feeling Leo and Chase were thinking about the same thing.. And by the looks of Jasmin.. She looked scared, and sad.. And Adam.. He's touching buttons I'm pretty sure he isn't supposed to be touching..

He clicked the green button that was right in front of him, it had the letter D carved into it. D hmm what could that mean? But who cares, Marcus is coming this way! And Adam shouldn't be pressing that!

As soon as Adam pressed that button, a screen came up with Mr, Davenport's face on it!

"Mr. Davenport!" We all exclaimed.
"Adam, because of you we're on a call with Mr. Davenport!" Chase declared cheerfully then looked worries again.
"He-hello?" Mr. Davenport said from the other line.
"Mr. Davenport, we're in Douglas's lair! They have a plan to make us evil minions. You have to help us!" Leo squealed.
"L-Leo?! I'm coming as fast as I can! Five-five minutes! I'll be there. Stay safe!" Mr. Davenport yelled from the line, then hung up.
"Wow.. Adam actually did something smart.." Chase pulled us into the elevator, and the doors closed before Marcus could come in.
We were all in a hurry, which was kinda a good thing we had that elevator now.
The elevator started shooting upward which was more scary than going downward. Everyone's screaming except for Leo and Chase they're just standing at the back of the elevator naturally, and talking to each other. Not fair..

The elevator stopped at last for the second time, which meant all the screaming stopped. We ran out of the elevator as it went back down probably to get Marcus and the evil group...

"Leo look around for Mr. Davenport and tell him where we are once you see him!" Chase demanded.

The elevator began coming back up, "guys lets go!" Jasmin and Adam held one of my hands each, and Chase grabbed onto my shoulder, I super sped them out to the roof, where Leo was waving around for Mr. Davenport to come with his helicopter.

Marcus, Douglas and Krane tracked us down, they found us.. No.. This can't be happening.. We're not ready to use our bionics again, we can't.. We're not ready... We haven't been in our capsules.. We can't handle any fights.

"Chase.. What's the plan?" I asked him in a hurry.
"Huh..? Why me?" Chase got irritated.
"You got us into this, so now you have to get us out." I declared.
"I don't have a plan... We just have to fight them..." Chase is helpless.. We all are.

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