Chapter 36

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"Guys! Guys, I have something to tell and show you!" I exclaimed running into the living room like a maniac.
"What? What's wrong?" Bree asked me.

Marcus, Chase, Jasmin and Bree were already sitting on the couch, so Adam and I went to sit in front of them, on the other couch.

"I found an elevator that leads to a lab! Marcus was in there last night, so were Krane and Douglas!" I said without taking a breath.

Marcus's eyes grew wide, and he seemed worried, then when everyone looked at him, he gave a shocked look.

"What are you talking about? Who's Krane and Douglas?" Marcus faked.
"Calm down Leo, you're probably just hallucinating from the one sit-up that you tried to do yesterday.
"I am not crazy!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, and everyone looked scared, "I'll show you!"

I went behind them, and began pushing them to hurry up. I remember exactly where the elevator was. I lead them to the end of the hall and began pushing the wall. Everyone stared at me as if I was crazy.

"But it was right- the elevator- but it was- how" I wined at the end, "why is this happening to me?!"
"Leo, stop making things up. There is no elevator you're just tired." Jasmin declared.
"I swear over Chase's head that there was an elevator here!" I pointed at the wall.
"Umm... Why my head..?" Chase asked.
"Because Adam's head's too hollow." I confirmed.
"True..." Chase shrugged.
"But I'm telling you! Marcus is evil! And I'm not hallucinating, there was a elevator here!" I started, "it was hidden behind a curtain."
"Why would you say that Leo? I'm only trying to help you.." Marcus lied, how can anyone believe this kid?!
"Yea? Why would you say that Leo?" Adam smiled, but then looked confused, "Wait.... What did he say?" He turned and asked Bree.
"Let's just go.." Bree turned around and began walking to the living room again.

Chase stared at me, then at the wall... Then the closet... He stared at me again, and walked away following the others leaving me behind.

"Fine, don't believe me! But I know that I'm not crazy!" I shouted trying to get them to hear me.

Marcus slowly began walking toward me, making sure that no one noticed.

"What did you do with the elevator?" I was worried he might laser me or something.
"I hid it.." He said calmly, "I thought I heard someone knock my freeze case on the floor, and I suggested to myself.. It might have been you down in my lab. And yes, Krane, and Douglas were in there.. So was Jasmin's so to be called mom. And guess what? I knew you were going to have that ship wreck because I told Krane to knock your ship over. And you want to know another thing? Douglas is my dad. And another thing, Jasmin never had a mom. She's was Krane's experiment the whole time. So back off Dooley." He then walked away.

He did not just say that.

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