Chapter 23

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Jasmin P.O.V

I didn't realize that we were still here.. In the island when I woke up. It's 9:23 a.m, and I wasn't tired at all, neither was Bree. We had fallen asleep at 8:30 p.m which is probably why we aren't tired anymore, I actually had a good sleep, thanks to Marcus, it's amazing of him to let us stay here and have room. I was pretty afraid when we got here, but now I feel a bit safer here.

"Where is everyone?" I was surprised to see the boys to awake yet, I expected them to be awake before us, but the only person there was Marcus, sitting on the couch watching TV. I had my brush in my hand, since I had just taken a shower and got dressed. Bree's right behind me, I was waiting for her to finish her shower so we'd come out of the room together.

"I guess the guys were really tired, there still asleep." Marcus pointed out.
"I guess, it was a pretty tough day yesterday, specially for Leo and Chase and Leo." Bree nodded, I think she was starting to remember what happened to Leo.. I'm still clueless, all I remember is something hitting me.. I don't remember what.
"I'm really glad you're okay though. When I saw all of you passed out on the floor the other day, I thought you were someone else, but then I realized your faces and thought you.. Thought you were gone. I was awfully worried." Marcus stood up headed to the kitchen counter.
"The only reason we survived was because of you. We wouldn't have made it alive without you." I smiled and stared at the ground.
"How long have you been here?" Bree asked.
"Chase is fourteen right? Well since both of us were twelve. When I wasn't attending mission creek middle school anymore.. That was because I was stranded here." Marcus explained. He was here for two years.. Two years, all alone.
"Wow.. That-thats a long time.. You guys knew each other for how long exactly..?" I questioned.
"Two years, three weeks and five days.." He replied quickly.. "Uhh.. I've been counting.." He sounded nervous.
"I started just a couple of weeks after Adam, Bree and Chase did," he explained to me. I smiled.

The kitchen counted had different types of cereals, milk, and fresh orange juice.. Or mango juice.. They're the same color.. I can't tell.. Wait, I think it's mango juice.. Because orange juice usually have these really tiny piece of the juice that's squeezed out of oranges.. Ugh, I don't know.

"Wow, how do you have all these stuff.. On an island?" I asked amazed.
"Well.. Uhh.. You see.. We.. Umm.. When my cousins and I were sailing, we had these machine things.. That generated different types of food and drinks.. That's how I have all this.." Marcus rubbed the back of his neck, beginning to seem worried about something.
"Is everything okay?" Bree asked beginning to eat, I just waited a bit to see if he was alright.
"Yea I'm fine.... Just.. A-just a headache.."

I began eating next to Bree at the kitchen counter.

You have no idea how much he looks like someone I've met.. I can't make out who.. But I know he looks like someone I know... Or at least met a few times..

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