VI. The Queen

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A dance is just a dance, right?

High school's never complete without having to go through it, though.

But you have more important things that matter.

This is your chance to be normal.


There is no way that I should go to that dance. It will make my life a disaster. But if I leave early, it won't. I have at least an hour to enjoy myself. Nothing will happen, no one will find out.

So much for angel-and-devil on my shoulder.

I am me after all.

I felt the headache once I rose out of bed to get ready for Spirit Day, which literally just a minute ago, I didn't plan on going.

I search my closet for a dress and luckily, there's a silk slip peach dress that goes on until my knees, but it has a nice slit at the side of my thighs.

And I just need something to cover my arms. A fitted long-sleeved black mesh top with lace details to layer inside and some Dr. Martens loafers finishes the outfit.

"You're going to the dance?" I hear Carla as I went out of the house.

"Uh-huh." I answer as I go out of the front door.

"Be careful, hija." I looked back to make sure I heard correctly of Carla with what she titled me, just when the door swung shut.

Once I got down from the cab, I already heard the party going on inside the building of our school. I went inside and scanned the filled room to find Meg and the others but they found me first.

"Didn't you say you were going-"

"Rescheduled." I smile as I cut of Kevin's line.

"Gladly. You look hot." I smirk at Zack's compliment.

"You should put your hair down often." Meg commented, right in time when Rob arrived holding two cups of punch.

"You're here." She points out the obvious and I chuckle. She suspiciously looked at Meg and the latter looks back with her expressive eyes.

"Come on, let's grab you a drink." I follow Rob to the long table and walked through students talking and dancing literally just everywhere around the room.

"Isn't visiting your hometown a little more important than this?" Kevin asked and my eyes caught Rob's foot stepping on his which made him groan quietly.

There's something about Rob that's very suspicious tonight.

It's not like we weren't together the whole day yesterday talking about what I've missed before I came to LA. Then again, there are a lot of unexpected things in here.

"And what you've all been waiting for, our Sophie King is Ralph Dakota." The person on the stage announces.

Red came up the stage and Zack snorts.

"Too bitter you didn't win?" Rob teases. "Oh please, the other nominee was way cuter than you." Meg adds.

"Thank you." He sarcastically answers and casually drinks his punch which strongly smells more than just a fruit-flavored juice.

"And your queen is," He looked at the paper he was holding, "Soleil Collado." I look up the stage, surprised. I wasn't here until 5 minutes ago, how come I was even nominated?

"Go on." Rob winks at me.

I walked up the stage as the blinding little spotlight followed me.

Another person from the stage helped me wear the sash that was similar to the guy's right beside me. Except the words "king" and "queen" differentiated it.

A slow pop music played and a large palm was in front of me. "May I have this dance?" I took it and he drags me down the stage in the middle of the dance floor.

His other hand went to my waist and we started swaying in rhythm.

"You look prettier up close." He whispers in his hoarse voice.

My brow lifts together as a side of my lip curls before I answer, "You don't."

He narrows his eyes and looks straight into mine.

He smirked before telling me, "You can tell me the truth, Soleil."

My natural instinct was to stop. I removed my hand from his light grip.

And I subconsciously said, "You're calling me a liar?"

He looked at me with his thick furrowed brows and surprised blue eyes.

I realized what was going on. An hour has passed. Time is constant. At least I enjoyed for a minute at the most. I held on tightly to the necklace that was hiding behind my blouse awhile ago.

And just like a three hours-early Cinderella, I rushed out of the building.

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now