XXI. The Odd

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School just ended.

"Hey, you want to grab a drink with us?" Rob asked.

"Not today." I smiled and raised my brow.

She shook her head out of cluelessness.

"Might wanna mark down your calendar." I joked, halfly.

"Oh.... Alright, next time then?" She finally got it.

"As long as there's food." I answered, laughing and went to the parking lot to find my bike.

There, I found Kevin standing alone checking his watch every second. Who is he waiting for? All my friends went home already.

I didn't bother to go to him. I have much more important things to do.

While paddling my bike, I watch as the sun sets. Last full moon, through my stubborness, I turned in the empty lot across the campus. That's one heck of a memory.

Anyway, there's no way that I can turn in there again, I need to find a place like a forest or something.

Through the sun, I had an idea.

I found a spot by the beach. You can only see the moon that's about to rise and hear the waves splash. There's absolutely no one in here.

It's gotta be my favorite spot, serene.

Waiting for the time, I look at my palm which holds my necklace.

"I went against my sister for you to retrieve that necklace and you haven't worn it." Someone from behind told me. It's true, for a week I haven't hung it on my neck.

I just feel like I need to learn to control myself rather than relying on a talisman. It makes me feel week that a charm necklace is actually stronger than me.

"Oh please, It was just your way on opening her eyes with her lovelife." I guessed. I mean, Red seems like the type to tell things indirectly. To avoid guilt maybe?

"I don't see any girl." I added.

"I can't care more on her affairs than Halle herself." He didn't mind my last statement and stood beside me with his hands on his back.

"Why are you here?" I asked without looking at him.

"That question's for you." He answered, "I'm always here. Alone." He followed, answering my previous statement and probably demanding for me to leave.

"Not today, you're not." I summoned.

He turned his face to me, "You don't tell me what to do."

"Then consider this as an advice, go." I demanded.

"Remember, I was the one left standing on dance night." He vaunted.

My eyes narrowed, "Your loss."

All he responded was a smug smirk. My vision started to get darker. It's time.

I should've removed my clothes but an arrogant ass beside me didn't take my advice. I stretched my neck side to side.

In a second, I turned.

From my feet, my eyes went up on him who's still standing a meter away from where I am, with the light of the moon on his face highlighting the red on his eyes.

How am I conscious?

That question for myself echoed, sounding like a whimper.

I smell his scent. But I am, which I shouldn't be, but I'm kind of glad, that my mind is human enough to not go after him.

Instead, he went after me. My instict positioned myself for attack but then I only felt his hand resting on the side of my nape.

His eyes got lighter for a second but before I could focus on them, he was back on his position from awhile ago, a meter away, with his back facing me.

I saw him lift his sweatshirt before I felt weak.

Just like that, I was in my human form again. My first move was to find something to cover my body and the first thing I saw was his shirt. I grabbed it quickly and looked at him but he wasn't there anymore.

I wore it and it draped until the middle of my thighs.


Why was my mind conscious?

Why didn't I feel like an animal?

And why did I turn human so quickly and not unconsciously?

I need to find a reason why.

And as odd as it may be, he must have had something to do with the answer.

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now