XXX. The Capture

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Meg lightly slammed her tray on our table while saying, "Honestly, I do not miss school at all." But we all just focused at the person behind her.

Mr. Principal was right behind her and heard what she said, loud and clear.

She looked at him with an 'O' mouth, "That's not what I meant. I had a really bad wake up and I didn't mean to pour it out on the school and, and-"

"Shh. I don't need any explanations." He even put his index finger in front of his mouth.

"Detention slip?" Meg carefully asks.

He narrowed his wrinkly eyes, "Consider this my Christmas gift." Then he just left.

"A Christmas gift for himself." Rob chuckled.

"Imagine how he sits for an hour overtime just to watch students sleep or make fun of him. I'd feel bad." Kevin stated.

"What's this, new year, new you?" I joked.

"Those wrinkles made me feel bad." He said with dramatic fist on the heart. We all looked at him at the same time when he got up from his chair, "Nature calls."

When he left, Zack complained, "How does it look when there's one guy with three girls?"

"You're a playboy."
"You're friendly or gay."
Rob and Meg answered at the same time.

"He's avoiding one of you, isn't he?" I asked them, slightly joking and they all just shook their heads, thinking.

"The only thing being avoided is Zack and the Halle topic." Meg said, smiling teasingly.

"What about it?" He raised his brows.

"Hmm.... I've been filled up with stories that I was surprised with. You know, like the one that took place in the lockers." She even pouted to surpress her smile.

But, lucky for him, he was saved by the bell. The day ended with pop quizzes and post-New Year greetings from everyone. I walked to my bike when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Hey." It was Rob, "Do you need to go home already?" She asked.

I just shook my head. I won't do anything at home, anyway. Carla's at work as well.

"There's a milkshake place 3 blocks away that just opened. You wanna come? Please? I brought my car." She invited with hands in a praying position.

"Sure. But I'll go with my bike." I brought it and my house is out of the way from hers.

"Alright. I'll order for us. What's yours?" She asked, "Strawberry if there's any. If not, I'll just take your order." I answered and waved goodbye.

When I arrived there, there were 2 milkshakes on the table already. And there's strawberry. The place is obviously new and the aura's light. When she saw me, she waved her hand.

"I hope you don't mind, I tasted yours." She laughed.

I drank mine from the straw and it tasted really good. I might come here often. This is one of the places that I'll probably miss in LA....

"Wanna ask me something?" She asked when she noticed that I was spacing out and glancing at her at times.

"You and Red? What's really going on?" I asked, direct to the topic.

She coughed on her shake and proceeded into laughing, "Nothing. Seriously, it was one kiss. Aren't ya'll over about it?"

I just smirked before sipping on my drink.

"Wait a minute. Why are you so curious? Don't tell me you like him? Actually, tell me!" She even had wide eyes.

I was about to answer when she reacted, "Oh my gosh." But it wasn't about me. She was staring behind the window so I did as well.

There, I saw Zack and Halle talking, at least for now. "Since when were they a thing?" I asked but even Rob didn't know the answer.

We just finished our milkshakes, talking about some school gossips. It was already dark when we went to our separate ways.

I felt something following me and when I looked behind, there was a van that's been pacing my speed. I paddled my back at the fastest but it was no use because it has four wheels.

I tried going to another way from my house but when I did, I felt something hit my leg.

My bike fell, carrying me.

The last thing I saw was a man who was blurry in my sight already.


A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now