XXXVI. The Unexpected

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"Hey, bro." Zack greeted me while smiling geekishly early in the morning.

"What's with the grin?" He didn't answer so I did for him, "Halle." I even did a fake cough and he just poked the back of my head.

"Boys." Mom warned.

"Zack, what are you gonna do this spring? Are you going with Kevin and your friends?" She asked.

He looked at me with a questioning look before answering, "Oh, don't worry about me. I could maybe just stay here. I'll water the plants, I promise."

"Mm-kay. We'll only be away for a week anyway." She agreed.

"You never said you were planning on going with them." He said while we walk to school.

"I'm not." I answered, not thinking of an actual excuse, "Cover for me?"

"But first, tell me where you're really going." He raised his brows.

"To the moon and back." I joked which earned me another poke on the head from him.

"Fuck you, bruh." He even raised his middle finger.

The bell rang already so I just pat his shoulder to say goodbye. "If you meet a girl in the moon, remember to introduce her!" He shouted from a distance.

"Hey, what's your plan on spring break? Are you gonna join us?" Rob asked me while walking to the parking lot.

"No, I think I will go to grandma's." I answered shortly. I referred to my mother's side; not my father's, who are her grandparents as well.

It's not the truth, though. I told my mom that I'm going to Texas with them. She won't suspect anything, this is the first time I would've lied to them. I just haven't told the truth yet.

"Hey." I called Rob, "Are you going home?" I asked just to make sure.

"Uhh, no. But I can give you a ride, though." She offered.

"Nah, take care." I kissed her cheek and saluted.

I went straight to their mansion.

"Is Rob here?" I asked the maid pretending to not know.

"No." She politely smiled. Now I feel bad lying to these people, ugh.

"Okay, I'll just wait in her room." I lied. Again.

She immediately let me in. I've been in here anyway and all the maids know me. I'm basically family to them, being the nephew of their boss' second wife.

I looked to my left and right before entering the door that was beside the one I was actually supposed to enter.

I found Stan on his swivelling chair with a glass of red wine.

"Took you long enough." He complained.

"Sorry, I didn't think there was a deadline." I answered, sarcastically. He called me this morning to go here without telling the time.

He just pouted and signalled his hand for me to go closer to him. He greeted me with a long kiss but he let go before I could've responded.

"I need to ask you something." He said, placing his glass to the table.

"Don't you always?" I said, sarcastically, again, before lying on his bed.

"What do you know about Zack?" That was his question?

"He's not gay." I answer and point out at the same time, a little confused.

"He's dating Halle, I know that, obviously." He said. So this is what it's about. He's jealous with my bestfriend and his ex and he's asking me about it.

I faced him with furrowed brows.

"I'm pretty sure you know something about his parents." He looked at me straight in the eyes and I just felt like I needed to tell the truth.

"He never said anything about it." I went back to my consciousness. Did he just compel me?

"Damn, that guy's got his secrets." He sighed before looking at me again.

"Where are we going this break?" I asked, curiously.

"Somewhere where I can teach you." He answered.

"Teach me what?" I asked, confused.

"A lot of things." He handed me the other glass that's been filled with wine already. I drank it staight because why not?

"Starting now." He walked towards me and cupped my face.

That's the last thing I heard before I heard and felt before I....


A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now