XXXIX. The Unknown

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The words he said took time to process in my mind. Me? An alpha? There wasn't any info in the books that a black wolf is a natural born leader. But what supernatural book actually has the right info, right?

And I never knew about an envious uncle and some family mishap.

"Are you okay?" Pearce asked.

"No." I answered honestly with a neutral tone, "Just.... call me when Auntie Jasmine arrives." I told him before I started walking.

There was this spot I used to spend time at as a kid. I looked at my palm that's holding the necklace I used to wear. It kept me from being known as an Alpha. It kept me from knowing myself.

"Was Pearce your childhood sweetheart or something?" I heard Rob walking behind my back.

When she sat down, I answered her, "That's your question?"

She shrugged, "Well, I just thought talking about other things would make the situation lighter and all." She explained and I appreciated it.

But, "No. He's more like my childhood enemy." I even smiled remembering our petty fights. He seemed more matured now, but not really. I could take it back anytime.

"Who would you choose then? Him or.... your enemy now." She pouted to force her smile from coming out.

"Who?" I was confused. I had someone in mind but I don't wanna assume.

"Red." She even rolled the 'r' and looked at me, impatiently.

"Was your question who would I choose as an enemy?" I teased her which worked cause she scowled at me.

"No. As a lover." She said, straight to the point.

"Aren't you and Red sort of a thing?" I asked, honestly curious about it.

"Girl, nah. He's just like my brother. Doesn't mean Halle's my sister." She made a fake puke to exaggerate her words.

"He and I don't even talk lately. What got you that idea?"

"Hmm.... I don't know, I hear how you talk about each other and how you look at each other and-" I stopped her in an instant.

"Yea. I have bigger problems to deal with."

"Nah-uh. You're just avoiding it." She is becoming annoying, "I didn't know being numb with others' feelings is including in the vampire-werewolf skill set." She joked but it wasn't funny.

"I love you but just drop it." I said but she didn't take it, "Besides, Pearce and I aren't even friends and we just met after 7 years?"

"And.... he's for our Meg." She laughed and squealed.

"You noticed that too?" I laughed. Who would've even thought.

"Awoo!!!" I heard from afar.

It's Pearce. I don't know if he did that as a joke or something but it cringed me a hundred percent.

"And who are these lovely girls? Do I smell a vam-" I heard a woman's voice. It must be her.

"She's good, ma." Pearce answered as I opened their front door to see Jasmine.

She stared at me, not knowing what to say before panicking. "Soleil- Why are you here? Why is she here? You're not safe here. We're not safe he-"

"Ma, ma!" Pearce called as he gave her a glass of water.

While she calmed down, I dressed myself up and got out to see her sitting on the eating chair.

"Soleil, it's great to see you again." She greeted and I smiled, "You're as beautiful as your mother and as quiet as your father."

"You haven't aged a bit, Auntie." I complemented.

"I know, hun." She stared at a blank space before turning her eyes on me, "Your father was a great man. His brother wasn't."

She must've been filled up by Pearce already.

"You're father didn't want the throne. He had the fur of a leader but he let his brother take it. You are special, Lei." She held my hand.

"Because I'm an Alpha." I added.

She shook her head, "You're more than an Alpha. Female Deltaveñas aren't supposed to have black fur. They aren't supposed to be able to turn in daylight. They're not meant to be Alphas but you are." My lips parted in shock and confusion.

"Gregorio, he didn't have children due to his harsh treatment on women. But he controlled his pack, the pack of leaders, the pack of Deltaveñas, your familia. He will not accept another person, especially a girl like you to replace him."

"That's so sexist." Halle remarked.

"It is, indeed." She answered before returning to me, "The fairy wasn't able to protect our pack."

My brows furrowed, "Fairy?"

"Yes, hun. Every group of supernatural creatures has their own fairy. Their presence makes vampires walk in the sun and werewolves calmer. They look after you."

"We went all the way to Texas to find out that we have a.... tinkerbell?" Halle asked on the way back to the hotel.

"She's a pixie." Rob debated.

"She's a better example than Maleficent." Meg defended.

"I'll give you a clue. A fairy knows things when you don't know it does." Jasmine said before she said goodbye to us.

"We gotta go home. I think I know who it is."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now