XXXVIII. The Answer

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I knew I recognized that mop of curly hair from somewhere. And that explains my natural vibe towards this guy who has been the enemy of my childhood.


His jaw dropped when he confirmed what he was thinking. I can't blame him, I think I might even be more surprised.

We're seated in a fast food while no one bothered to talk. So naturally, Rob does. Thank you.

"I thought everyone you knew here is-" She moved her hand across her neck to pertain the word dead, "I mean, I just assume that you're from here." She explained to him.

"I thought so too." I answered.

He stuck his tongue to his cheek. If you observe, he still looks the same. He just grew taller and buffer.

"Where have you been?" He asked. Is he for real?

"Oh, nothing. You know, just travelling around." I asnwered sarcastically and Rob tried to surpress her smile but failed so she just folded her lips.

"Should I laugh?" He asked. I don't know if I should consider the tone amusing or annoying.

"How about you, where have you been?" I asked, hoping that he would answer like a sane person.

"When.... you know.... happened, I wasn't in the village. I was with mum here in the city. The only thing I remember, when we got back...." He raised his shoulders up and down, not wanting to continue.

"So Aunt Jasmine's alive?" I asked, just to make sure while he nodded.

"How do you spell Hasmin?" Rob asked which lead me to the present.

"Can we meet tomorrow? I want to talk to her, where do you live?" I asked.

"Woah. One by one." He laughed before answering all the details.

"Okay. See you tomorrow!" Rob waved her hand, being super friendly.

"Where have you been?" Meg asked pnce we arrived in the hotel room.

"We met someone.... really cute." Rob said and Meg raised her brow before answering, "You think every guy's cute."

"You're gonna eat your words once you see him tomorrow." She stuck her tongue out on Meg.

"I thought your plan here was to find something that traces to your life? Why are we adding a cute guy in our itinerary?" Halle asked while lying on the sofa.

"He was part of my pack before." I answered.

"So, you're a werewolf?" Halle asked Pearce. "The name's Pearce. And you are?"

"A vampire." Meg laughed at her bestfriend's answer.

"I'm Meg." She introduced herself and awkwardly added, "I'm a witch."

His mouth formed an 'O' before saying, "You sure bring magic to my life."

"And you bring that stinky animal scent to mine." She teased before adding, "I'm just kidding. You smell nice." Did her cheeks just turned red?

"I know that." He bragged.

"So, where's Auntie?" I asked.

"She's not yet here. But she'll be back home early." He answered, "Food or drinks?"

I just stared through the window and reminisced some childhood. They're still here, just the two of them. The houses though are not anymore, only theirs, which has been renovated. The rest of the lot is just filled with short grass.

"I'm gonna go outside for a while." I told them before doing so.

The wind blew, meeting my face as I made my next step. This is the spot where mom and dad taught me how to control, but I never did it successfully.

Not in front of them.

But guess what mom, dad, I can now. Please be proud of me.

I knew there was pain in my bones but it didn't compare to the real pain in my heart while turning in the same space where they taught me everything.

I was fully turned when I saw my friends and Pearce running towards me. He had a different reaction, though.

Rob ran to me and covered me with a thick blanket so that I could turn back.

"Y-you have black fur." He pointed out.

"I know."

"You're an Alpha. A blood-born Alpha. That explains it." He said which confuses me from the start of the sentence till after he said it.

"Explain what?"

"Antonio Deltaveña was the one who terrorized the pack and killed every single one, including his brother. Your father. Soleil, you're an heir to the throne."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now