XIII. The Abuelo

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"Hey, have you seen Robyn?" Kev appeared and walked beside me while I head to cheer practice.

It's seven in the morning and we are excused for training since competitions are opening already.

"Nope. Maybe she's running a little late." I shook my head.

"Alright, good luck." He bidded goodbye.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, keep up!" The wicked witch yelled.

Wait. That metaphor didn't fit her. She's wicked but I'm the witch. Let's just say the bitch. It'd be a lot fun if I knew a spell that could turn her face to green. But that doesn't make her more of a monster than she already is.

I went for the bleachers to get my jug when she declared a water break.

"I don't care about her moves but she is turning into a bitch." One of the seniors sat on the bleachers.

See. Everyone knows that. But to me, she already is.

"I'm sorry. I know you're close but-"

I cut her off immediately.

"Not anymore." I smiled.

"Good for you. You're too nice and she's..." She couldn't find a fitting word.

"We can't do anything about it. She was voted to be the next captain." I answered.

"The book is really different from the cover." She stood and left.

Halle was the new girl and everyone adored her. She used to be nice, but sometimes, there's that spice coming out. But all that spice covered her after she's done the most evil thing anyone can do.

I went back to the field and while I walk, I overheard her talking to Stan.

"I woke up and got a good morning from your step-sister." My brows automatically furrowed.

Looks like there's gonna be an interrogation happening later.

"So, what were you doing at the twins' house?" I asked her.

"The Dakotas'?" Kevin inserted.

Robyn was surprised at the question. "I thought you weren't talking to Halle anymore." She answered.

"Stop changing the subject." I took a bite on my sandwich.

"Red insisted I sleep there."

And with that answer, Sol coughed once from her Lychee juice before responding, "I'm sorry, what?" She asked on behalf of all of us.

"But only because I thought Stan was there in the middle of the night and I could talk to him." She defended.

"Can you add a little bit more information on the Red part?" I insisted.

"It's just one kiss, nothing more."

Sol, who's raising her brow, and I look at each other before Zack reacted, "We're talking about Red here."

Rob closed her eyes showing her lack of interest in the conversation and she lifted her shoulders, "I don't know. Maybe he wasn't in the mood. Can we talk about something else?"

"Have you tried the beach?" I hit Sol's arm with mine to call her attention.

"I'm planning to." She answered.

"I bet you love paddling in the water." Zack teased and it didn't seem to be a good one, considering that the necklace is missing and this girl beside me has anger issues, no offense-

"You know what else I'd love to do? Drown you." She fakely smiles.

Or not-

She can take a tease well.

"So it's settled then, Saturday?" I ask.

"Sure. My resort. Bonfire is a must." Robyn added.

When dismissal arrived, I quickly ran to my car and drove home. I parked it at our front yard and opened the door with the key.

I caught my grand dad on the couch with a coffee on the center table while he's reading the daily news.

I walk to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Both my parents are dead. I grew up with my grandfather and don't get me wrong; he's not the old, grumpy kind. He's more of the cool ones.

"How's school?" He asked.

"You ask me that everyday." I laughed.

"That's my job." He laughed with me.

"I got into a fight and a girl pulled my hair and I punched her." I joked.

"Nice try," was his respond.

"I had to give you a different answer." I pointed out while searching the fridge for a snack. I ended up with a glass of milk.

"Come here." He patted the space on the couch beside him.

I walked to him, drinking my milk.

"I'm going to give you something that has the most value in it." He started before continuing, "It's not drugs." And it made me chuckle.

He grabbed a thick book beside him.

It had a plain black hardcover but when he whispered some words, a scrabble of unknown-to-me gold letters were formed in the middle of it and surrounding it were gold borders and lines around the cover.

"It was your mother's." He handed me the book.

"Remember, don't take advantage of it."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now