VII. The Moon

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"I've spent a hundred years waiting for the moment I would be queen." I rant while I stare at the new girl with my twin in the middle of the dancefloor.

"Don't get too exaggerated. You haven't lived half of those hundred years." I turned my gaze to Stan who is annoyingly hiding his laugh from his own joke.

"Besides, you're still the hottest girl in here." He adds before removing his eyes from mine and turning it to someone in my back.

"I'll be right back." He removed his hands from my waist and walked past me.

He just added to my list of irritation.

I walked back to my chair and the time I sat down, the new girl passed beside me running towards the exit.

Red walked towards me with his creased forehead.

"What was that about?" I ask him.

"Usually, they chase after me." He pointed out while leaning at the round table.

Obviously, it's not the case right now.

"Halle." A high-pitched guy calls my name.

"Maybe later." I fakely smiled. He was offering me a dance and I wasn't exactly in the mood to.

"Suit yourself." Red, who is now beside another girl, left me at the table.

I observe around the room when I saw a soft commotion at the corner, which includes Meg and her little squad. Their whispers were loud enough for my ears.

"I'll create a border around the campus." It was Meg's voice.

As soon as that statement was said, I walked fastly towards Red. "We have to go."

We exited the campus through the back gate because it was the closest one.

"What?" He asked. As an answer, I reached my palm out to the gate but there was an invisible force that didn't allow my hand to. Just right in time.

"There is something going on." I told him before I scanned the huge lot across the road that has nothing but trees.

And a bush moved, so I guess it's not just trees.

"Did you hear that?" I ask my brother.

"It's a mule. And I'm starving." He left me standing in front of the gate and went to the woods.

I followed him when I saw a piece of fabric lying on an exposed root of a tree. That was the same time I heard a low growl and I'm sure that wasn't Red.

As fast as I could, I followed the sound. I saw him and his hand struck in front of me to stop me from going any further.

"Big doggy." Those were the only words that came out of my mouth when I followed where he was staring at.

It was a dark, four-legged creature. Even the woods at night time didn't match the darkness of what standing in front of me. The only light in it was its eyes that was shining gold.

Normally, I vote for darkness and gold. But this, right now, is not normal.

I was stunned when he ran farther to the woods and it followed him. Naturally, I couldn't let my twin be attacked by whatever that was so I followed them as well.

I raced to it before it got to Red and I pushed it. It had a great strength, it matched mine. We rolled to the dirty ground before my brother came to push it off of me but he was pinned to the ground behind the bush.

By the time I stood up, it fell to the ground. Once I got closer to the bush, Red stood up holding a stick that had blood. Unlike others, this didn't smell as delicious.

"Let's get out of here." He mentioned before walking past me.

It was a second that I was speechless.

My whole life, I have never expected myself to be surprised, and in this case, I hate to admit to myself but I'm dazed.

"No. Fucking. Way."

I just stared at it, or rather, her. I don't know what she is but I'm pretty sure who it was.

The only thing I could do is look up the sky and the fullest moon that was covered by several leaves and branches caught my attention.

I've seen every movie.

"What?" My brother's voice led me back to my senses.

I faced him, who is now walking back towards me but I raise my finger signaling to stop.

"I'm gonna need your coat."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now