XXV. The Conflict

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"Hey." Robyn saw me walking opposite to her way when she called me and left her cousin.

"Hi." I greeted formally while playing with my car keys.

"Tonight? Can I?" She asked permission to crash in my place again. I smirked with her shameless question before I was gonna say sure but I remembered something.

"No. Not right now." I answer before going to my car. I saw her face in confusion before I left her. It's not safe in our house. I, myself, and my sister are not even safe in it.

"Where were you?" Halle asked with her crossed arms and grumpy face before going inside the shotgun as soon as the doors unlocked. I don't know how she's my twin, she has these mood swings that I can't explain.

"I grabbed something from the gym." I explained.

"Do you know why there's no training today?" She asked.

"School's being observed." I simply answered.

"Yah. By the psycho supernatural-believing scientists that captured us a really long time ago!" She even put pointed the windshield with her palm as if they're there.

"They didn't capture us. Their anscestors did." I teased which made her scoff.

"They almost saw me, thanks to you." She blamed.

"It looked like you had someone else's help already." I teased once more. I was silently following the Perturbateurs when I caught her making out with one of Sol's friends.

That made her shut up until we got home.

"They know where we study, Red. I don't want to be paralyzed for another century." She said before going out of the car.

I sighed all my thoughts away before following her inside the house. I heard gunfire and I immediately turned back to catch the tranquilizer bullet that was just an inch away from my face.

Her scream made me go inside the house and there was a man lying on the floor, unconscious from Halle's punch and the other guy was going out of the dining area when I ran to him and stuck the dart on his neck.

Another scream from Halle was heard and I was going out of the other exit of the dining area when she looked at me, eyes pleading for me to stay.

There was a dart on her shoulder and a man behind her is covering her mouth, one of the men that were in the school earlier.

I rushed to the backyard to get my motor and went to Stan's place.

When I knocked, it was a surprised Robyn who opened the door.

"Where's Stan?" I asked fastly.

"His room." She looked more confused than she was earlier when I passed her and went to Stan's room.

"Halle's been captured." I told him.

He immediately put his video game controller and stood up, "By who?"

My jaw clenched, hardly enough for me to say it out loud, "Perturbateurs."

"Fuck." That was his reaction before he started thinking.

"Who's the Pertur-people?" Rob went in inside the room.

"And when I want privacy, you just come in." Stan shoo-ed his step sister.

"Is they some organization of worse vampires than you?" She asked, emphasizing the 'you'.

I shook my head in response, "They're just humans who know too much of us. They're the ones that.... kept us inside the lab for more than 70 years." I answer against my will while I leaned on the wall to think.

"Humans? As in normal ones like me? Captured Halle? A vampire like you?" Now I know what Stan is annoyed about.

"They're not normal." I answer shortly. They have too much knowledge about us and they did all the torture to me and my sister that we could feel even in our sleep, even in the middle of death and resurrection.

"Now can you go out of the room?" Stan asked her to leave.

"But you know, two vampires won't gonna stop them if they went against two vampires and caught one." Rob pointed out before she said what I was thinking,

"You need help."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now