Party 4: Highest Bid Goes To...

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Staring at myself in the dressing room Brantley had set up back stage, I look at myself head to toe. Valentine's Day. Of course, she made my outfit look like the day of lust. I hate to admit it though, this outfit does look pretty good on me. Except it exposes all my tattoos I have. The ones on my biceps, stomach upper back, the lower back tramp stamp I got at University. Even the one on my upper thigh, it exposes. The whole attire makes me look like a CanCan dancer at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. I was there a few times- I know exactly how this looks. I've done my hair differently today. I put in my purple and pink extensions I used to wear when I went to metal concerts, I shaved back just a bit of my hair from my temples and put my massive hair in a mohawk braid that waterfalls down my back. I used to rock the punker look back in the day and drew eyes from both women and men. I used to be a badass biker chick, who rode around in pink bikini tops and leather pants with sexy thigh high boots. I was quite the rebel. Thank you America for bringing my wild side out of me.

Grabbing the very dorky, tiny top hat that has a huge heart on it, I pin it securely in my hair and look at everything from my 80's black knee high chunky heeled punker boots to the audacious red slutty CanCan dress to my glittery makeup and finally my ostentatious punk rock hair and stupid little hat.

"Damn, Helen!" Lauren says as she and Diana pass in their dresses. Diana's skirt has a bit more length and is a light pink. She and Lauren look amazing. Walking out all the women gape and gawk at my appearance. "You look so fucking badass and sexy!"

"Look at your hair! Oh my God! You should keep it that way!" Diana praises me and I laugh.

"How come I feel this is how you used to dress as a teenager?" Valerie asks and we all laugh. Her yellow lingerie dress has a long peacock tail feather almost that drags behind her on the floor. Valentina comes out in her teal dress and it's actually super cute on her. It's almost tutu like and with her glasses off and hair curled- she looks very stunning.

"Ladies, I think we can all agree we look sexy as Hell!" Valentina says and we cheer in agreeance.

The 40 of us all look at each other and take photos. We look fine and we know it. Finding a chair, I stand up on it and look down at all the women.

"I just want to say that we are all beautiful. This may not be what we want to do- but we will rock it. Tonight we bring our best and look sexy doing it. Get those pig men to fight over you. Make them pay top dollars for us. Because we are priceless!" They cheer and I get down and Valentina hops up.

"Helen's right- just this once. Let's make this fun! A little competition. Let's see which one of us can get the most money out of these asshole!" She jumps down we all start chattering away when Brantley comes in. We quite down and glare at her. We won't forget who put us here.

"Wow! Ladies I am impressed. You all look so gorgeous tonight! From head to toe! Well done. The hardest part is over. Now comes the big moment. I have a packed house out there. Wall to wall men, all waiting for you lovely ladies. I posted the order in which you will be auctioned. When you are done and bought, I did the pleasure of arranging your meetings with the lucky winner in your offices so you can set up your Valentine's Day date!" We all look at each other and she smiles wickedly. She comes over to me as the girls disperse and looks me over. "I must say, Dr. Sharpe- you never disappoint do you? This look is going to make a lot of money tonight. You should be proud."

"I am a very proud woman. I'm proud of my body and you haven't won this little game of yours. You're not breaking our spirits or destroying our dignity...but you will want to watch your back. Because when all of this is done, there will be a bunch of people looking for your head and so help me God I will deliver it."

"And what about Max?" My face slowly drops a bit. "He was apart of this too. What about his head? Or are you that in love with him that you can't see how much he uses and manipulates you?"

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