Part 7: Wrong Made Right

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She took it the wrong way. Put words in my mouth I don't mean. Then hung up on me and refuses to answer my calls and texts.

She's put me in a bad position. A position where I made this whole thing out to be me only trying to benefit from her dismay. But that isn't it. AT ALL! She was upset. I could hear it in her voice. I had no intention of that. I let her be for the rest of the day, even though it goes against what I normally would do.

"Iggy, I think I made everything worse." I say over the receiver. He sighs and I can visualize him shaking his head at me and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How'd you manage that one?"

"She wanted to talk so I called her and she apologized for threatening our friendship and I apologized for not reading the contract. Then she said she wouldn't have gone through with the date anyway- so I said it was just a stupid date and I didn't pay for that I did it cause I didn't want to lose her. She claimed I wasted a million dollars on something stupid and then turned around and said that at least I put the money into funding the Dam. I tried to explain that I did it for her and not the Dam, but she got upset and hung up on me. Now she won't answer her phone."

"Max are you sure she meant that she wouldn't have gone through with the date or ending your friendship?" Shit. "I take your silence as she meant the friendship and you took it as the date because once more you are blinded by your emotions for her. No wonder she's upset with you. You said the date would have been stupid- I.E- you wouldn't have wanted to go on it with her. I can understand her feeling hurt."

"I didn't mean it that way!"

"Well she thinks you did. So how do we fix this without poking the bear? "

"I don't know..."

"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day- right? Do something romantic for her. Even if she fights you. You have to just get her face to face so you can explain your feelings for her. Charm her."

"She won't answer her phone. What do I do- send a pigeon?" I'm irritated at the moment.

"No, I'll figure something out. Just have your plan ready and finalized by tomorrow night at 6:30. You'll have to plan something for your house, because everything is gonna be booked up cause of the holiday." Sighing, I try to think of what to do. "Hey, I gotta go. If you want me to take Luna for you tomorrow I can. Martin and I are spending the night with the kids so, she can come spend the night. Samara loves her."

"Thanks Iggy. I owe you one." We hang up and I know I need to run out and get a few things to make tomorrow special. I don't even know if this will work or not, but I have to do something. Even if it's to mend our friendship- that's better than nothing. Right? Picking up Luna, I put her in her holster and we head to the stairs to go out. I'm racking my brain about what to make for dinner. What kind of drinks I should have available. If flowers and chocolates are too cheesey for her or not. Chocolate covered strawberries maybe? I don't know what sounds right. I haven't done this since Georgia and even those attempts were squandered by work and forgetfulness. I get to the store and nothing seems good enough for Helen. If I go too extravagant and she's still mad at me- it'll be a waste- but if I go simple but elegant, it probably wouldn't impress her.

What do women want for Valentine's day?

"Excuse me?" An old woman comes by and I step to the side as I'm looking at a vast selection of flowers and dorky Valentine's Day items. "Do you need help?"

"Yes...sadly I don't know which direction to go in."

"You're shopping for your wife?" I'm about to object, but maybe inspiration will come to this woman and she will cure my stupidity.

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