Part 12: What Works and What Doesn't

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Getting to his office, I set the stack of papers down, while he shuts and locks the door, draws the blinds completely closed and then the ones on his windows. I look briefly through his files and notice there was quite a fluctuation in his cells. I never thought of looking so closely at this kind of thing before. I always just looked at each test singularly unless I knew I had to look for specific changes. Interesting. Very interesting. His arms snake around me and his hands run up and down my front. As tempting as it feels, I'm curious right now in these tests. More importantly, why was he trying to distract Madge?

"Ready?" He presses into me and I'm torn between wanting to fuck and wanting answers.

"Max, why were you distracting Madge?" He kisses my neck and I strain to fight him and his tempting offer. "Max."

"I was looking for info."

"On?" He turns me around and presses his lips to mine and I'm captivated and ready to indulge, but I glance down at the files again and I'm reminded of what I'm questioning him for. He kisses my neck and his hands grip my arse. "Max, answer my question or this isn't happening."

He pulls back and looks at me. His brows furrowed and his mouth agape.

"You wouldn't dare." He says and he's right- I wouldn't want to cut off the best sex of my life, but I'm not letting him call my bluff.

"Try me." I say confidently. He looks between me and the files and hesitates. "I'm waiting."

"You're so mean." He pouts and now I have to resort to a new tactic.

"Is that so? Well then- being as mean as I am. I'm going to partake in myself while you sit there and contemplate sharing what information you've been digging for in the lab. You touch yourself at all and refuse to answer- this never happens at work again."

I go to one of his arm chairs and sit down after pulling my lab coat and dress off. His eyes widen at my naked body, my heels still on me. Sitting back in the chair, I sling my left leg over an arm and begin touching myself. It's not as satisfying as sex with him, but I know it's killing him not being able to partake. I stare him down. His mouth waters. He moves his hand to deal with the pressure in his pants, but I shake my head at him.

"Tell me...mmm" this whole thing is doing nothing for me, but if a little theatrics get him to spill- I will go full out.

"Helen...come on..." He whines.

"Tell me and you can have whatever you want." He groans in his throat. I see how hard he is and how cramped he's become in his scrubs. It hurts him- I'm sure. "Come on, love. All you have to do alleviate to tell me..."

He's fighting with himself. A part of him daring to reveal his secret and the other half damning him to stay put.

"Hmm...I'm so I'm finished....hmmmm...I'm leaving..." Time restraint ought to do him in. Grabbing my left breast I continue the charade and his is nearly bursting at the seams.

"Fine! Damn it! I was checking to see why Bloom submitted a blood test yesterday." I stop and look at him. He takes a step towards me.

"Nuh uh. Why?"

"Grr, Helen, please."

"No. Why?"

"Because! She's being mean to Casey and Brunstetter said that she did the blood test- so I went and checked and it turns out she's pregnant!" He's pants and begins fidgeting. I walk over to him and eye him up and down. He doesn't touch me or himself because he's slowly learning who has control in this situation.

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