Part 15: Rescue

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I look at my phone. I called her around 9:00 and she didn't answer. This isn't like her. Mr. McGerry ended up falling and breaking a flower vase in his hand. I had helped him clean it up before I went back in to call Helen back. I text her, but get no response.

Is she upset with me?

I mean I wouldn't doubt it. I left early and never told her. Then again it was spur of the moment because I needed to clear my head about everything that had happened earlier today. It still boggles my mind that she didn't tell me. It really kind of hurts actually. I wouldn't keep a secret that major from her.

I text her again.


She is most definitely mad at me. Well, I guess I'll give her the night to sleep it off. Maybe she will tell me tomorrow. Yeah, maybe she just wanted to make sure the pregnancy actually is happening before she tells me. Maybe this whole thing is just one big miss understanding. Picking up, Luna, I take her to her crib and lay her down. She's whooped from playing with me. She was trying to stand up by herself and discovered that holding onto the edge of the couch and bouncing up and down with her knees is fun. She did it for nearly an hour and now she's all tuckered out. I give her a kiss goodnight and then turn out the lamp before crawling into bed. I lay down and close my eyes, but I find I can't sleep. I stretch my hand out over the right side of the bed and touch the cool sheets. I can't sleep without her there. With her curling around me and hogging the blankets and taking over my pillow. I can't sleep without her subtle snoring- which she denies she does. I miss her whispering to me in the dark- telling me she loves me and she can't wait to give me my morning kiss. I reach for my phone and try her again. I can't possibly sleep with her not talking to me. With her being mad or upset with me.

No answer.

I try once more.


This sucks. I should have just sucked it up and asked her about Lauren's kind gesture. I should have minded my own fucking business. I lay awake all night and stare at the ceiling above me and wonder if she's having the same tireless night I am or if she's fast asleep in her king sized bed with no worries about her.

The next morning, I crawl out of bed, having been up all night. I call Helen right away and wait.

No answer.

What the hell? Is she honestly that mad at me she can't pick up her phone to yell at me? Fucking perfect. I get Luna dressed and fed, and we head off for work. Walking towards the Dam. I try her again and still she doesn't pick up. I call her again. Nothing. I text her. No reply.

What the actual flying fuck is the matter with her?

Walking into the Dam, I wait in the atrium until 7:45. She should've been here by now. Maybe she arrived early. He go and drop Luna off and then head to Helen's office. It's locked and her light is off. Odd. I check my office.

No Helen.

Heading down to the E.D, I find Lauren and Casey quietly conversing. They both seem in better moods today. When they spot me, they smile.

"Morning! Ready to help?" Lauren asks and I shake my head.

"Have either of you seen Helen this morning?" They look at each other and shake their heads no.

"No. She's not in her office?" Lauren asks.

"No. I've been calling her and texting and she's not answering." Casey furrows his brows.

"Let me try." He takes his phone out and calls Helen. "Nothing."

Lauren takes out her phone.

"She'll answer me. Just watch." She dials her number and puts her on speaker phone. It goes to her answering machine. She cancels the call and tries again. The same results. "What the Hell?"

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