Part 20: 8 Months and Some Crazy Shit

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"Babe! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" She calls to me from the living room. Today she had planned everything out for a duel party- Thanksgiving and a baby shower for her "baby". The last 8 months had been better than expected. Helen ended up selling her home because the memory of what happened there could never leave her. Her stuff has been in storage and she has been living with me.

The police still haven't figured out who assaulted her. She had all her cards discontinued and got a new ID. She still hasn't fully come around from everything though. We haven't had sex since before this whole thing happened and I'm honestly okay with that. I don't want to rush her and frankly, I think not having sex is making our relationship more productive and healthy. Helen and I have been great at parenting Luna- who turned one on October 5th. Helen made this very cute Disney princess cake and bought her so many outfits and toys. She's been spoiling her and has become good cop, while I for some reason have to be bad cop. I think it goes against my character, but hey- whatever Helen wants right.

"Babe! Did you die in there?!" She calls and I roll my eyes as I dry my hair, tug on my white cotton shirt, boxer briefs, jeans and a grey beanie for my wet head. I step out and she and Luna are already at the open door staring at me. Her hand is on her hip and Luna is attached to her chest. It took her a while to get used to the weight and strain in her back from holding the 15 lb baby. She's petite for being one, but she does get quite heavy after a while.

"I'm here. I'm ready." Luna garbles in her throat and giggles.

"Daddy is worse than a lady. I swear." She says and kisses Luna's head. "Can you grab those bags over there? They need to go over to Lauren's with us."

"Yes, dear." She raises an eyebrow and looks at me sideways.

"Ooo, you better watch it today, Mr. Man. I'm in very little a mood for the 'tude today." She playfully growls and I gather the bags and follow her out, shutting the door behind me. We head downstairs where Iggy is waiting with the empty van- having already taken the first load of items over to Lauren's. He raises his hand and then slaps it down to the steering wheel.

"What's taking so long? We have 5 minutes to get across town."

"Blame him. Had fix his make up." She jokes and I set the bags in the trunk as she buckles Luna in the car set. She gets in and sits down beside Luna in the back and I go up front next to Iggy after closing the hatch.

"You know I like to make sure I lipstick is perfect." I roll my eyes and she laughs and so does Luna. We head off and traffic isn't too bad. We make it to Lauren's with 2 minutes to spare. Iggy and I carry up the last few bags and Helen gets the baby and her purse. We take the elevator to the 15th floor and head down to Lauren's nice ass apartment. I've only been here twice before and this place is amazingly huge. Must be nice being able to live in a space that's five times bigger than my own. Helen walks right in without knocking and everyone is already there. Jessup and her husband Marcus, Flores, Reynolds and Evie, Candelario, Brunstetter and her girlfriend Amy, Vijay and Ella, Casey, and Martin and the kids. Everyone cheers as they see we've finally made it. Helen releases Luna, who takes off running to "Pupa" Kapoor. He scoops her up and gives her kisses. She's so tiny and adorable and definitely dresses cuter now that Helen is in her life than when it was just me. "Sorry we're late, I am a diva and needed to be late to the party."

They all laugh and I head to the dining room to set the bags down. Helen is already socializing and Casey comes over. He and Lauren have gotten a lot closer and he has been taking great care of her. He's a great guy and he's gonna make a great dad.

"Hey, Max- thanks for getting the last of it." I start taking out the dinner rolls and paper plates and plastic ware for the Thanksgiving dinner- Casey has already prepared to cook. We offered help, but he insisted he wanted to make everything because he enjoys cooking Thanksgiving meals. Said he's done it ever since his mother died when he was 18. He would make dinner for himself and his granddad, who was sick with Alzheimer's. After he passed away, Casey joined the Army and on Thanksgiving, whether he was home or away, he made dinner and shared it with those who were needy. Such a great guy to the core. Love that man.

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